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Non-fiction prose is prose that is based on facts and does not have obvious fictional elements in it. If there is, the rate fiction in non-fiction prose is much smaller than in fiction prose. Although non-fiction prose is written based on facts, this prose is not included in the types of scientific essays because the writing method does not use the main writing method in scientific essays. In addition, non-fiction prose is also not completely objective because non-fiction prose contains the author's subjective views or opinions which are strengthened by a number of facts and data. For this reason, non-fiction prose is often classified into types of semi-scientific essays.

Non-fiction prose is divided into several types, where types of prose These non-fiction include:

1. History

History is one of the types of old prose that exist. Unlike other old prose which tends to be fiction, history actually offers an informative aspect for the reader. According to the page, history itself usually contains events that occurred in the past and the genealogy of the kings who ruled in the past.

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era first. All of these things were written by writers who existed in ancient times.

2. History

History is prose that tells someone's life from he was small until he grew up. Non-fiction prose itself is divided into two, namely autobiography and biography. An autobiography is a history written by that person. Meanwhile, a biography is a person's life history that has been written by someone else. To find out what an example of this history looks like, readers can open the article example of a short autobiography about yourself, and example of a short biography.

3. Critics

Criticism is an assessment of a work in terms of good and bad, whether or not the work is feasible or not in the community. People who often criticize are called critics. Criticism is sometimes constructive, sometimes it can be down, depending on how the critic conveys his critique, and depending on the community's understanding of the criticism. Criticism can be done in various fields, whether it's music, films, literature, art, and so on.

4. Review

A review is a review of a work, whether it's a film, book, or music, which aims to measure how far the quality of the work and how well the work is enjoyed by ordinary readers. Although reviews apply to almost all works of art, book reviews are far better known than music or film reviews. Meanwhile, if readers want to know examples of reviews – especially book reviews – readers can open the article example of a textbook review, example of a novel book recession, example of short story book review, and non fiction book review example.

5. Essay

An essay is a piece of writing that contains a response to an event or issue in passing and also subjectively. Although subjective, the essay must still be supported by facts and fakta data so that the subjective opinion expressed is much more accepted by the reader. In addition, knowledge of types of essays, how to make a correct essay, as well as knowledge good essay structure This will make the essay we write more interesting and easy for readers to accept.

Thus the discussion of the types of non-fiction prose in Indonesian. Hopefully useful and able to add insight for all readers, both about prose in particular, as well as languageIndonesia in general. That is all and thank you.

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