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A short story is an essay that contains story a character that is described briefly. The short story itself is included in new kinds of prose and types of non-scientific essays, other than types of drama, types of novels, and all kinds of fairy tales. The theme of the short story itself is very diverse, ranging from from romance, mystery, even holiday themes. In this article, we will find out what examples of holiday-themed short stories are like. The examples are as follows!

My Grade Up Vacation

The distribution of report cards was carried out yesterday at the school. And in yesterday's report card distribution, I was declared to have advanced to class XII with a pretty good score. Even though I didn't make it to the rankings, I was still happy because what was important to me was that I got promoted and didn't get remedial. Because the distribution of report cards was over, I was able to enjoy a long pleasant vacation.

I already imagined that this year's promotion holiday, Mom and Dad would take me on vacation to a fun tourist spot as usual. In fact, I had prepared clothes and other equipment long ago.

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Where will I go on vacation this time? I asked in my heart which I then answered Ah, wherever it is, the important thing is that my vacation is fun!

I then met my mother and father who happened to be at the dinner table. Then I asked, "Father, Mother, where are we going this holiday?" After hearing my question, Father and Mom then looked at each other, and then Dad said, "Son, this time you're on vacation with Mom at home, yes. You see, this time my father is out of town on an assignment. Later when we have time off again, I promise that we will take another vacation as usual." Honestly, I was disappointed to hear that statement. However, it can't be helped, I can only accept my father's decision.

I can only spend my days off at home. Actually, I like to go out from time to time, either alone or with friends. But unfortunately, my mother forbade it and I was even asked to help with every housework. Even if I go out of the house, I usually only go to the market, and that is also accompanied by Mother.

My mother said that I couldn't leave the house because she wanted to teach me how to take care of the house, cook, wash, and iron clothes during school holidays. My mother taught me these things so that I can be independent if one day I go to college or work overseas.

In addition to teaching these things, Mother also wanted me to focus on studying at home to welcome the national exams and a number of other exams that I will face later. Honestly, I really want to reject what you did to me. However, what can I do, I can only accept and follow what Mother ordered me to do.

One afternoon, Mom suddenly knocked on my door. I opened the door and said, "What's wrong, Mom?"

"You're taking a shower now. I'm waiting outside."

lol, Where are we really going, ma'am?"

"I want to take you to the city park. Yes, count the holidays lah, do you want to stay home?"

"Huh, right? Alright then, I'll take a shower first, Mom."

After taking a shower, Mom and I then rushed to the city park. Even though it's just a walk around the city park, but somehow I feel very happy. I don't know if it's because the past few days have been too long at home, or maybe it's because it's the first time I've walked in this park in a long time. Or maybe it's because it's my first vacation with my mom. Ah, whatever it is, I certainly will enjoy this pleasant atmosphere.

That's an example of a short story about a holiday in languageIndonesia. If you want to see other examples, readers can open the article examples of short stories about animals and examples of short stories about friendship. Hopefully useful for all readers.

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