
Characteristic features sentence active:

  1. The subject in the active sentence is the one who performs the action. Example:
    • mother make cake (subject=Mom doing action=making)
    • Word do his work in the library (subject=Word does action=do)
    • Dirham play piano in the living room (subject=Dirham doing action=playing)
  2. Predicate elements are usually given the suffix me-, or ber-. Example:
    • sister ride bicycle (predicate has the suffix me-)
    • Aldi drink That water (predicate affixed to me-)
    • Ani tells a story in front of her friends (predicate affixed with ber-)
  3. Has an S-P-O or S-P-O-K pattern. Example:
    • Dad brings gifts (S-P-O pattern)
    • My sister buys fruit at the market (S-P-O-K pattern)

Passive sentence characteristics:

  1. The subject of the passive voice is the one who is given the job. Example:
    • Cake made by Mother (subject=Cookies are subject to work/deeds=made)
    • The task done Words in the library (subject=the assignment is assigned to work=to be done)
    • Piano played Dirhams in the living room (subject = piano work = played)
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Predicate elements are usually given the suffix di-, ter-, ke-an, or ter-kan. Example:
    • Bike ride Sister (predicate affixed in-)
    • That water drink by Aldi (predicate affixed ter-)
    • The struggle now neglected (predicate affixed)
    • We fatigue waiting for it (predicate affixed to-an)
  4. The object in the passive voice is the subject in the active sentence. Example:
    • Souvenirs brought Father
    • Fruit bought sister in the market
  5. It is usually indicated by the presence of word by, although the word by when omitted does not change the meaning of the sentence. Example:
    • Television watched by Grandpa
    • The vegetables were picked by Mother

These are the characteristics of active and passive sentences. May be useful.