29 Examples of Benefactive Verbs in Indonesian Sentences

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one of them types of words there is a verb or verb. According to the kbbi.web.id page, a verb is a word that describes a process, action, or situation. word work is usually used in the predicate element which is one of the sentence elements in Indonesian.

Verbs consist of several types, where one of types of verbs it is a benefactive verb. According to the kbbi.web.id page, benefactive verbs are defined as verbs related to actions taken for other people. This verb is usually in the form of a root word that has been affixed right.

So that the reader knows what this word form looks like, here are some examples of beneficial verbs in sentence Indonesian!

  1. This morning, Amir cross an old lady across the street.
  2. Mr. Samsyudin has dispatch his parents to the Holy Land of Mecca.
  3. Father deliver my sister goes to school every day.
  4. mother make a cup of tea for Dad who just got home from work.
  5. Ayesha did it complete his undergraduate education in Japan.
  6. Anwar has finish school at the S2 level.
  7. buy my sister a gift in the form of the latest toy cars.
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  9. The football team did it take advantage of lack the number of opposing players, so they can break into the opposing team's goal with a large number of goals.
  10. Mom always read story me before I sleep.
  11. That merchant peddle his wares to every visitor who passed before him.
  12. Mr. Usman has forgive sister's fault.
  13. The football team did it win the game with a very landslide score of 7-0.
  14. witnesses show some evidence that corroborates that the person has committed a crime.
  15. mother add a number of spices into his cooking.
  16. Mom always worrying Andi's condition is now overseas.
  17. A good leader is a leader who attach importance to the welfare of its people.
  18. The badminton was successful beat Croatian badminton player.
  19. sister bring I left my lunch at home.
  20. The citizens have report the theft incident to the police.
  21. Police succeeded throw swarms of thieves who have been looking for liquid all this time.
  22. Football player is so easy throw the round skin to the opponent's goal.
  23. find a wallet containing money and a number of letter roadside value.
  24. Anna read poetry it with full appreciation.
  25. Fatimah is raise prayer to Allah SWT.
  26. Olivia still crave the white dress.
  27. The novelist has publish a number of novels that are good and sell well in the market.
  28. We made it got information about the event from several reliable sources.
  29. Before he died, grandfather had write a will for his children and grandchildren.
  30. He need some funds to pay for the treatment of his sister who was seriously ill.

These are some examples of beneficial verbs in Indonesian sentences. If the reader wants to add reference about the types of words or examples from various types of words, then the reader can open the article examples of concrete nouns in Indonesian, examples of abstract nouns in Indonesian, types of conjunctions between sentences, types of nouns, types of adjectives, types of assignment words and examples, types of prepositions, and types of question words. Hopefully useful and able to add insight to all readers, both about words in particular, and about languageIndonesia in general. That is all and thank you.

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