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In Language Indonesia, there are many types of sentences, starting from single sentence, sentence compound, direct and indirect sentences, active voice and passive voice, and greeting sentences. Greeting sentences have a function to give greetings to a certain person or group. The types of greeting sentences in Indonesian consist of: from 3 types, namely:

1. respectful greeting

It is a greeting that uses a more formal sentence. Example :

  • Good morning Madam. Does Madame need anything?
  • Good night, sir. Please sir sit at the table that sir message this.
  • Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Let's get straight to the meeting today.
  • Good afternoon, Mr. RT. I want to report about my relatives who will be staying the next few days.
  • Welcome, sir. Let me take you to your seat sir.

2. normal greeting

It is a greeting that is used in everyday life and does not require a formal sentence. Example :

  • Hi Nita, what are you doing here?
  • Hello, Rudy. Are you sick? Your face looks pale.
  • Hi, Susie. Do you know any stalls selling pulses around here?
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  • Hi, Lita. How was your holiday last night? Must be fun, huh.
  • Hello, Mrs. Atik. Has Ina come home from school?

3. rude greeting

Is a greeting that is used in everyday life and is usually used between friends only. Example :

  • Hey, Bro. What are you doing here?
  • Hi, Ndut. Long time no see, huh. It just seems fatter.
  • Hi, Lek. Where's your promise about the project for me?
  • Oh, Mbek. How are you? When are you coming home?
  • Hello, Mblo. How is your approach with the girl progressing?

Those are some types of greeting sentences along with examples in language Indonesia. You can also increase your knowledge of sentences with some other articles, namely examples of transitive and intransitive sentences, types of active sentences, denotative and connotative sentences, example sentence, examples of greeting and exclamation sentences, examples of negative sentences no, no, not yet, examples of positive sentences changed to negative sentences kalimat, examples of negative sentences in Indonesian, examples of verb and noun singular sentences, difference between singular and compound sentences, and example of anticlimactic sentence. May be useful. Thank you.

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