40 Examples of Insertion Sentences in Indonesian

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Examples of Insertion Sentences in Indonesian - One of kinds of suffixes in Bahasa Indonesia is an infix or insert. Inserts (infixes) are affixes that are located in a word. The most widely known inserts are -er, -el, and –em. While the insertion sentence can be interpreted as sentence which contains an insert word in it. Adding an insert to a word can change the nature of the word. For example, a noun can turn into an adjective, a verb, or remain a noun.

Not all words that contain -er, -el, and –em is an insert. Inserts can be investigated from the meaning. In the insertion word, the meaning is still related to the meaning of the base word. For example, the word "finger". The index finger is an insertion word using the suffix "-el" with word basic “-point. The meaning between pointing and forefinger is still related to each other. Point is a verb to show something, and forefinger is a limb that is usually used to show something. Now consider the example of the word "gemulai". If graceful is an insertion word, then the basic word used is "gulai" with the suffix "-em". Note that between the words "gulai" and "gemulai" have meanings that do not match. Gulai means a type of food with coconut milk, while gemulai means gentle. This is why not all words can be made into inserts.

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Example of Insertion Sentence (–er)

Inserts with affixes –er has meaning as a tool and which has ….. The following is an example of an insert sentence that contains the word insertion –er :

  1. Sound flute It's so beautiful, anyone who hears it will surely enjoy it.
    • Flute flute + (-er)
  2. The principal urges all Muslim students to wear veil.
    • Veil veil + (-er)
  3. Andi always collects fiber coconut and resold to collectors.
    • Fiber coir + (-er)
  4. Father and mother shocked heard the news of the accident experienced by my brother.
    • Shocked climb + (-er)
  5. Teeth This machine is no longer suitable for use, it is only natural that this machine often jams.
    • Cog tooth + (-er)
  6. The residents beat drum war against the thugs in the market area.
    • Drum drum + (-er)
  7. Archaeologists found wreckage The temple is estimated to be hundreds of years ago.
    • Ruins collapse + (-er)
  8. Grandma is still deft in preparing herb Herb traditional.
    • Potion potion + (-er)

Example of Insertion Sentence (–el)

Inserts with affixes –el has three meanings, namely as a tool for …, as an object that has properties …, and as a collection. The following is an example of an insert sentence that contains the word insertion –el :

  1. One year old baby is actively pointing at something with his finger index finger.
    • index point + (-el)
  2. boom the sound of his speech made the blood of the demo participants boil.
    • jarring concussion + (-el)
  3. palm That person's hand went limp after being hit by the barbell.
    • Palm footprint + (-el)
  4. Detectives start doing investigation of the cases they are working on.
    • Investigation investigation + (-el)
  5. Bubble- This soap bubble is very liked by children.
    • Bubble bubble + (-el)
  6. Bird trigger it always makes a distinctive sound in the morning.
    • Trigger peck + (-el)
  7. Story roam the world of the sailor inspires many people.
    • Explore colon + (-el)
  8. The incense under the banyan tree is always lit in honor ancestors.
    • Ancestor sublime + (-el)
  9. Vehicles on toll roads can drive loudly when it's quiet.
    • Advance forward + (-el)
  10. Babies and toddlers are not recommended to sleep face down unsupervised.
    • face down stove + (-el)
  11. The dead skin on Hana's right hand has started peel off and return to its original skin.
    • Peeling peeling + (-el)
  12. face down has the same meaning as face down.
    • face down ↔ cup + (-el)

Example of Insertion Sentence (–em)

Inserts with affixes –em have frequent or repeated meanings. The following is an example of an insert sentence that contains the word insertion –em :

  1. Sparkling the city is very beautiful when viewed from the top of the hill at night.
    • glitter ↔ glitter + (-em)
  2. Mother's body Shaky and finally fainted at this shocking news.
    • Shake shake + (-em)
  3. His achievements are brilliant it didn't make him forget himself.
    • Brilliant brilliant + (-em)
  4. Sound roarwaves break my daydream about all the dreams that have run aground.
    • rumble thunder + (-em)
  5. Glitter These colorful lights are very liked by children.
    • Glitter ↔ glitter + (-em)
  6. crisis In Rima's life he never told anyone.
    • Crisis crisis + (-em)
  7. glitter that star has always raised my hopes all this time.
    • Glitter ↔ gloss + (-em)
  8. Sheen the diamond has made everyone forget themselves, especially the women.
    • Sheen glitter + (-em)
  9. Color yellow became Tina's choice for her wedding dress and decorations.
    • Yellow yellow + (-em)
  10. Fragrant I always look forward to the smell of tuberose flowers at grandma's house.
    • Fragrant shaving + (-em)
  11. Seminar Health care is being promoted by health workers.
    • Seminar rays + (-em)
  12. In Scouting activities, all members are required to master the rope rigging.
    • Rigging rope + (-em)
  13. Atmosphere Twilight This park is often used by irresponsible people.
    • Temaram taram + (-em)
  14. The skill of making rawon seasoning has gone down hereditary in our family.
    • Hereditary down + (-em)
  15. overlay bud on the edge of the lake adds to the beautiful scenery.
    • Bud bud + (-em)
  16. Finger fingersHer curvaceous taste has hidden her cooking skills.
    • Finger finger + (-em)
  17. Breezy the wind on the beach makes visitors feel at home for long to just relax.
    • breezy silir + (-em)
  18. Trembling has the same meaning as shaking.
    • Trembling trembling + (-em)
  19. rattle his teeth were enough to show that he couldn't stand the cold in this place anymore.
    • bluff bluff + (-em)
  20. Even though Anis's body is small, the ability to think and solve problems is real brilliant.
    • Brilliant brilliant + (-em)

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So a discussion about examples of insertion sentences in Language Indonesia. Hopefully the material presented on this occasion is easy to understand and can be useful for readers. Thank you.

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