3 Differences between Question Words and Interrogative Pronouns in Indonesian

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Question words and interrogative pronouns are two of them types of words existing, other than types of nouns, types of verbs, types of adjectives, types of adverbs, types of prepositions, and types of articles. Like other types of words, these two words also have a number of characteristics that make them have a number of differences. The difference between the two can be seen in terms of function, its location in the sentence, as well as the addition of other elements in it. Based on these factors, we can see that the difference between question words and interrogative pronouns in languageIndonesia is as follows!

1. Function Words

The first factor to find the difference between question words and interrogative pronouns is their function. From this point of view, the question word is defined as a word that serves to give a question that aims to explore information. Meanwhile, the interrogative pronoun is a word that functions to replace a noun or other name with several question words.

2. Place it in Sentence

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The next indicator that distinguishes the two is the location of the two words in the sentence. In question words, this word is always placed at the beginning of the sentence. Meanwhile, the question word of the questioner can be placed in any part of the sentence, depending on what noun one of them must replace. types of pronouns this.

3. The addition of certain elements in it

The last factor or indicator that distinguishes the question word from the article is the addition of certain elements in it. Question words are words that can be added with other elements, especially particles -kah or - right. In addition, when this word is entered in a sentence, the sentence will use a question mark (?) at the end. On the other hand, the interrogative pronoun is a word that does not have to be added other elements such as particles or question marks.

To better understand the difference between the two, let's look at the examples of these two words listed as follows!

Examples of Question Words

  • What what are you doing here?
  • Who that person with you?

Examples of Questioning Pronouns

  • What Whatever you ask for, I will surely give. (word What in this sentence is a substitute for the word things/things/wants)
  • Who whatever the opponent later, I will face it bravely. (word Who in this sentence is a substitute from word person)

From the explanation above, we can conclude that the difference between question words and interrogative pronouns is consists of 3 things, namely the function of the word, the location of the word in the sentence, and the addition of elements in the sentence in it. In terms of function word, question word is a word that serves to give a question that aims to dig up information, while the interrogative pronoun is a word that replaces a noun with a pronoun in the form of a word ask.

In terms of location, question words are always placed in front of the sentence, while pronouns can be placed anywhere depending on the presence of the noun they want to replace. In terms of elements, question words can be given a particle element -lah and -right and a question mark when this word is placed in a sentence. On the other hand, interrogative pronouns do not really need all of the elements mentioned above.

Thus the discussion about the difference between question words and pen pronouns. Hopefully useful and forgive more or less.

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