10 Partial Repetition Words and Examples in Indonesian

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Partial Repetition and Examples in LanguageIndonesia – Besides word change sound and examples, partial repetition is also one of types of repeat words based on the word form. According to Waridah et al (2015: 278), partial repetition is reduplication in which the repetition of words occurs only in part of the basic form. The repetition of words in this type of repetition occurs only in the initial syllables of the repeated words. In addition, it can also be added with the suffix -anat the end of the word. For example, in the word trees. In this word, the syllable po repeated and changed to pe. Meanwhile, the affix -an affixed at the end of the word. Therefore, wordtree has been reduplicated into a reword trees.

To find out what words are partly repeated, here are some partial repetitions and examples in sentences.

1. Trees

As explained earlier, words that have a root word tree This is experiencing repetition of words in the initial syllable, namely po. This syllable is repeated and the vowel is changed to

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e. This is done in order to refine the word. In addition, the suffix is ​​also used -an. With that said tree has been duplicated to trees.

2. sound

This word has a root sound. The initial syllable of this word is then repeated and the vowel is changed to e. After that, given the suffix -an behind he said. Thus, the word sound has also been duplicated to sound.

3. mortal

This word comes from from word great-grandmother which is then reduplicated and changed to vowels tribe the first word, then the ending -an behind. With that said great-grandmother has also been duplicated to mortal.

4. Foliage

This rephrase is a reword from the root word leaf which is reduplicated and changed the initial syllable vowel and given the suffix -an at the end he said.

5. Rocks

Just like the examples above, the verb says basic stone this is reduplicated and changed the initial syllable vowel, and given the suffix -an at the end he said.

6. Neighbors

Different from the examples above, this repetition only reduplicates the initial syllable. As for the ending -an not included because without the suffix, this word reduplication can be done. Thus, the root word stairs can be reduplicated to neighbor by replicating the initial syllable only.

7. fruit

Basic words fruit this is duplicated the initial syllable, and given the affix -an at the end he said.

8. Elder

This reword is only formed from the initial reduplicated syllable, as is the case with the word neighbors.

9. Youth

It's the same with the word elder, This rephrase also only undergoes a reduplication process in its initial syllable.

10. but

As well as elder and youth, word but it only reduplicates the initial syllable.

Thus the discussion of partial rephrasing and examples in sentence. If you want to read other articles about rephrasing, the reader can open the article mention different kinds of words, give examples of affixed words, give an example of a word with multiple meanings, give an example of a word that means to each other, mention the various meanings of the word repeat, and/or the meaning of repeated words and examples in sentences. Hopefully this article is useful and can add insight to the readers in the field of Indonesian. Thank you.

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