Absorption affixes are affixes obtained from foreign languages ​​that are useful as nouns or adjectives, but their general meaning is to mark adjectives. Adjectives are often taken from several foreign languages ​​such as French, English, German, Dutch and Arabic.

The absorption affixes that enter the Indonesian language consist of several different ways, namely:

  • Adoption Way, language users use the full meaning of this foreign word. Example: the word supermarket, mall.
  • Adaptation Way, In this way, language users only use the foreign meaning, while the spelling and writing is adjusted to the spelling in Indonesian. Example: pluralization becomes pluralization, acceptability becomes acceptability, maximal becomes maximal.
  • Way Translator, language users use the meaning contained in the foreign language and then add it back to the Indonesian equivalent. Example: overlap becomes overlap, acceleration becomes acceleration, try out becomes trial.
  • Creative Way, user language only use the basic concepts in the source language, then look for the appropriate equivalent in Indonesian. Example: spare parts become
    instagram viewer
    tribe spare, effective to be effective.

The writing of loan words or affixes is different from the writing of words that are not loan words. Writing words or absorption affixes is a method that is combined with basic words such as inter-citizens, post-earthquake, tuna becomes blind and so on.

However, in writing words or absorption affixes, there are also those that should not be combined with basic words such as the word "Non". In writing, the word non must be separated by using a dash [-]. Example: non-Muslim, non-alcoholic and so on.

1. Affixes From English

English is an international language that has been used by all nations in the world as a means of communication. Below are some examples of words or affixes in English that have been used in Indonesian.

  • Application = Application
    • Currently, there are already many application for smartphones that can be used to facilitate various daily activities.
    • As administrative staff, we must be proficient in operating application excel.
  • Actor = Actor
    • Indonesia has a lot actor talented young man whose name is widely known in foreign countries.
    • Actor The famous Hong Kong action film visited Bali.
  • Bus = Bus
    • Bus Schools in the United States are very famous for their bright yellow color.
    • Our school rents out bus tourism to invite children to visit Monas.
  • Aquarium = Aquarium
    • Aquarium The new one that my father bought is very large, so that various ornamental fish can swim more freely in it.
    • In Ancol there are aquarium giant inhabited by various types of marine animals.
  • Ballon = Balloon
    • My sister and I bought a lot balloon various colors that will be used to decorate a sister's birthday party.
    • My sister hopes that one day she can ride balloon air.

2. Affixes from Dutch

Dutch is also quite famous for Indonesians, because the Indonesian people were colonized by the Dutch. Therefore, many Dutch languages ​​are also absorbed into Indonesian. Here are some examples word absorption from the Dutch language used in Indonesian.

  • Deed = Deed
    • When the child is born, the mother immediately goes to take care of it certificate the birth of her child.
  • Athlete = Athlete
    • Susi Susanti is one of the athlete badminton which has succeeded in making Indonesia famous in the international eyes.
  • Berichten = News
    • The case of one family serial murder became news hot all over the television station.
  • Chocolade = Chocolate
    • Of all the flavors, I really like the taste chocolate, ranging from ice cream, cakes, milk and others.

3. Affixes From Arabic

There are 2 things that affect words or affixes taken from Arabic, namely because Arabs often carry out trade transactions and interact with Indonesian residents. The second thing is because Indonesia and Arabia is a country that has a majority religion, namely Islam. The following are some examples of the use of Arabic loanwords in Indonesian.

  • Century = Century
    • If calculated, one century tantamount to ten decades.
  • Haram = Haram
    • Pork is one kind of food forbidden which Muslims are not allowed to eat.
  • Eternal = Eternal
    • All living things in this world do not exist eternal, sooner or later everything will die.
  • Halal = Halal
    • When traveling abroad, make sure you are careful in choosing food halal existing in that country.
  • Friday = Friday
    • Father and brother go to the mosque to pray Friday together.

Examples of Absorbed Affixes in Sentences

  1. Immoral = Immoral
    • Action immoral what he did embarrassed his entire extended family and decided to move out of the city.
  2. Prejudice = Accusations
    • Prejudice The bad things that have been done by foreigners have not been proven to be true.
  3. Craft = Handwork
    • When you get an assignment crafts from school, Adam made masks out of paper pulp.
  4. Versatile = Multifunctional
    • Currently, various household appliances are present in different functions multipurpose making it more practical to use.
  5. Prehistory = Before History
    • A plate from stone was found as one of the relics prehistoric.
  6. Bulletproof = Bulletproof
    • All soldiers are required to wear a vest bulletproof while descending to the battlefield to secure yourself from enemy weapons.
  7. Informal = Unofficial
    • Leni is studying non-formal to deepen English and Japanese.
  8. Postharvest = Time after Harvest
    • Farmers go to middlemen when post-harvest to sell their produce.
  9. Self-Work = Own Work
    • Residents village Sumber Makmur managed to sell goods DIY they go abroad.
  10. Between countries
    • Cooperation between countries What Indonesia has done with Australia has been established for a long time.
  11. Post-earthquake = Time after Earthquake
    • Postearthquake, residents returned to their homes.
  12. Blind = People who have problems with their eyesight
    • Lots blind in my village smart and proficient in massage.
  13. Non-Muslim
    • The Indonesian population lives in peace and coexistence between Muslims and Muslims non-Muslim
  14. Postgraduate = Education level after Bachelor
    • After postgraduate, Kiki immediately got a job with a high salary and satisfying.

Other Language Articles

  • Types of Questions and Examples
  • Meaning of Amelioration
  • Example of Insertion Sentence
  • Examples of Referential and Non-Referential Meanings
  • Example of Word Meaning
  • Types of Word Meaning
  • Polysemy
  • Definition Sentences and Description Sentences
  • Example of ironic figure of speech
  • Examples of Perfect and Imperfect Sentences in Indonesian
  • Example of Compound Sentences
  • Examples of Denotation and Connotation Sentences
  • Characteristics of Passive Sentence
  • Example Sentences of Homophones Homophones and Homographs
  • Types of Adjectives
  • Examples of Grammatical and Lexical Sentences
  • Tautology

Thus the meaning and explanation of absorption affixes and examples in sentence. May be useful.