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Types of affixes or all kinds of affixes In Language Indonesia diverse. One of them is the affix to deepen some of the example sentences below.

  1. The man often use rich girls to earn money.
  2. He continues strengthen so that the house does not collapse easily during an earthquake.
  3. The words are getting muddy this predicament.
  4. daddy is fix leaking roof.
  5. mother beautify dress that I will wear at the theater later.
  6. That shaman deepen black magic by imprisoning in a cave.
  7. This formula will make it easy you to calculate the final value.
  8. That merchant expand its trading area to village next.
  9. Do not complicate our tired condition.
  10. This route is precisely keep away distance from home.
  11. The bridge that will be built, will shorten our journey.
  12. Aunt sharpen knife for easy cutting of meat.
  13. The designer is very skilled in beautify home decoration.
  14. Mr. Aji is getting widen plantation size each year.
  15. Bad deeds always narrow down the fortunes of each perpetrator.
  16. The mayor is launching a program for enlarge airport to be better in welcoming traveler.
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  18. Prince wants soon marry Princess from beautiful country next door.
  19. Players from the neighboring country strengthen our soccer team against a team from Thailand.
  20. The statement is getting emphasize that he really hated his own son-in-law.

Those are some examples of affixes deepen sentencelanguage Indonesia that you can learn. Some articles about other affixes are base words and affixes, kinds of affixes, example of affix, examples of words ending in -ir in sentences, the meaning of the suffix -an and examples in sentences, example sentences with affixed with kan, example of the affixed word el, example sentence affix ter which means a condition, example of affix is ​​corrected and examples of affixed words in sentences. May be useful. Thank you.

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