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In the Big Dictionary Language Indonesia (KBBI) clause is a group word which at least consists of a subject and a predicate and can be a sentence. So, an independent clause is a clause that has the possibility to become a sentence consisting of from subject and predicate arrangement. Usually in the use of free clauses there is no use of conjunctions or conjunction.

Free examples in sentences:

  1. I want to be free
  2. He cries
  3. Daddy is so angry
  4. Amira is very smart
  5. Laughing sister
  6. Mom sweeps
  7. My little sister
  8. My sister is brave
  9. Andi screams
  10. Ayu smile
  11. We greet the teacher
  12. Anna is calling me
  13. Children must respect their parents
  14. The tiger bit the deer
  15. We sing the national anthem
  16. Grandpa morning run
  17. Diana watering flowers
  18. Jeffry jumps over the fence
  19. Silent street
  20. The birds are chirping happily

These are some examples of free clauses in language sentences Indonesia. May be useful. Some other articles on clauses you can study are example of complementary clause, example of an adverb clause, subject clause example, example of negative clause

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, example of intransitive verb clause, examples of reciprocal transitive verb clauses, medial transitive verb clause example, passive transitive verb clause example, example of active transitive verb clause, transitive verb clause and types of clauses.

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