Some time ago, we briefly reviewed an example of a report text in languageIndonesia that is sample report text on observations about nature. This time, we will briefly review an example of a report text observation about plants.

Corpse flower*

One of the most well-known types of corpse flowers is the giant suweg or Titan Arum (Titan Arum).Amorphophallus titanum). In general, carrion flower is a typical lowland plant that grows in tropical and subtropical climates, from West Africa to the Pacific Islands, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, the Titan arum flower can be found in tropical forests in Sumatra, especially at an altitude between 120 to 365 meters above sea level.

Corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum) has a larger size when compared to the Rafflesia flower Rafflesia Arnoldi but the corpse flower is not the biggest flower. This is because the corpse flower actually consists of from thousands of tiny flowers growing on the same stem. The corpse flower is also not a single flower, but is included in the type of compound flower (

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inflorescence). The towering part (cob or spadix) on the flower actually consists of small flower colonies. Although both smell bad, the corpse flower is different from the Raflesia flower, both in terms of biological classification, color, way of life, and life cycle.

The corpse flower undergoes two phases in its life that appear alternately and continuously, namely the vegetative phase and the generative phase. During the vegetative phase, above the tuber will appear a single stem and leaves that are overall and at first glance similar to a papaya tree. The height of the corpse flower can reach about 2 meters with a crown span of 1-5 meters. However, the Cibodas Indonesia Botanical Gardens once announced that the corpse flower that bloomed there reached a height of 3.17 meters on March 11, 2004.

The process of growth from seed to flower takes three years. If during the blooming period of the corpse flower fertilization occurs, it will form red fruits with seeds at the former base of the flower. These seeds can be planted into trees in the vegetative phase. These seeds are now cultivated.

Thus a brief review of examples of report texts about plants. Other articles that can be read and related to the text in Indonesian include example of short trip report, types of scientific essays, sample internship report background, sample essay introduction, example of preface to a practicum report, examples of footnotes and bibliography, degree writing procedures,how to write footnotes, example of how to respond to report content, example of discussion text about health, example of discussion text about drugs, example of short procedure text in Indonesian, procedure text in Indonesian, and example of analytical exposition text and its structure. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.

*Quoted from the page