3 Differences in Bibliography and Footnotes in Indonesian

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Bibliography and footnotes are very important in writing types of scientific essays even types of semi-scientific essays. Both have their own shape and characteristics, so they both have a curious difference that must be known. In this article, we will know the difference between the two. Before we know the difference between the two, we will first discuss the meaning and characteristics between the two, where the discussion is as follows!

1. Bibliography

A bibliography is a list containing books, papers, journals, etc. whose contents are quoted directly or indirectly into an essay. The bibliography itself has a number of characteristics, where these characteristics are:

  • Usually written at the back or end of an essay.
  • The elements consist of the author's name, year of publication, title, publisher's name, and pages cited.
  • The name of the author of one person must be written his last name first, then his first name is written.
  • The title and subtitle of the article quoted must be italicized.
  • The size of the letters is the same as the size of the text letters in general.
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  • If the bibliography is more from one source, it must be written in alphabetical order by the author's name.

2. Footnote

A footnote is a note of the quoted text which is usually placed at the bottom of the essay. Not only contained in scientific and semi-scientific essays, footnotes can also sometimes be found in several articles types of non-scientific essays, as types of novels, all kinds of short stories, and types of essays. Like a bibliography, footnotes also have a number of characteristics, which include:

  • Placed at the bottom of an essay.
  • The size of the writing is smaller than the written text.
  • The elements it contains are the same as those contained in the bibliography.
  • Especially for writing the author's name, the author's name quoted in the footnote is written as Usually, where the author's first name is written first and then followed by his last name.
  • Written using the number on the left, where the size of the number is smaller than the size of the letters in the footnote. For example: (¹), (²), and (³).

From the discussion above, we have found the difference between bibliography and footnotes, where the differences are, among others:

1. Place of Writing

In writing, the bibliography is placed at the end of the essay or at the very back of the page. Meanwhile, footnotes are placed at the very bottom of an essay.

2. Font Size

The size of the letters in the bibliography is the same as the size of the letters in writing an essay. Meanwhile, the size of the letters in the footnotes must be smaller than the size of the letters in the writing of the essay.

3. Author Name

In the bibliography, the author's name must be written by putting the author's last name first, then the first name is written. This is different from footnotes where the author's name is written as usual, with the author's first name at the beginning and the last name placed at the end.

Thus the discussion about the difference between bibliography and footnotes in languageIndonesia. If the reader wants to know the procedure for writing a bibliography and footnote, the reader can open the article how to write a bibliography and how to write footnotes. Hopefully useful and able to add insight to all readers. Thank you.

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