Lots all kinds of figure of speech in language Indonesia. Among them all kinds of repetition, various kinds of affirmation, various kinds of figure of speech comparison, all kinds of satire and all kinds of contradictions. In the Great Dictionary of Languages Indonesia (KBBI) figure of speech is a way of describing something by equating it with something else which can also be called a figure of speech. One of from So many types of figure of speech is the figure of speech mesodiplosis which we will discuss this time. Mesodiplosis figure of speech is repetition in the middle of a line or several consecutive sentences. To be clear, let's look at examples:

Examples of Mesodiplosis figure of speech:

  1. Teacher have to improve quality of education.
    President have to improve income of the people.

On sentence In this case, repetition occurs in the phrase "must improve".

  1. dignitaries do not steal gasoline.
    Girls do not looking for his own virgin.

In this sentence, repetition occurs in word "do not".

  1. Educator should improve national intelligence.
    Doctors should improve public health.
instagram viewer

In this sentence, repetition occurs in the phrase "should improve".

  1. your sweat that continues dripping, your feet that continues step, your lips that continues dhikr, all you do for me.

In this sentence, repetition occurs in the phrase "which continues".

  1. Every morning dad dhikr, noon too dhikr, the afternoon never forget to dhikr, and don't even have to sleep dhikr.

Repetition occurs in the word "dhikr".

  1. Child miss parents.
    Parents miss child.
    miss my girlfriend.
    He miss inner peace.
    You miss your study success.
    Beetle miss flower.
    back miss month.
    Wavesmiss beach.
    All in short miss something in life.

In this sentence, repetition occurs in the word "missing".

  1. on you we keep hope.
    Sound we please listen and then tell.

In this sentence, repetition occurs in the word "we".

In addition to the example of mesodiplosis figure of speech, which includes repetition other is example of anaphora, example of epiphora and example of anadiplosis figure of speech in Indonesian. May be useful.