20 Examples of MD Patterned Phrases in Indonesian Sentences

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One type phrases in Indonesian is a phrase that has the form or pattern of MD (Explaining Explained). The MD patterned phrase is a phrase consisting of from elements that explain and explain. To better understand it, here are some examples of MD patterned phrases:

  1. brother sweeping home yard.
  2. The builder mixing cement with sand.
  3. Lolita singing onstage.
  4. Stars eat a piece of bread at breakfast this morning.
  5. Bonita washing clothes in the river alone.
  6. Patchouli shows a photo which is very old.
  7. Teacher teaches a lesson which is rare in other schools.
  8. Kiki eats a plate of rice with a lot of side dishes at the time of the invitation.
  9. A house the old man at the end of the alley became ingredientstory which is scary for the kids here.
  10. We save a keris legacy of our great-grandfather well.
  11. Alisa is a child very spoiled and stubborn.
  12. Tiara meets a doctor to check her stomach which has been hurting lately.
  13. Izan's father works as a a driver online motorcycle taxis to meet the needs of daily life.
  14. Shintia aspires to be a teacher which can teach street children to read.
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  16. We are a organization a non-profit that helps neglected elderly people.
  17. Brother drinking a glass of milk before sleeping.
  18. Rina fills up a bucket with water from the bath.
  19. The students present bunch of flowers for their respective mothers.
  20. Before leaving, he left a piece of paper on the table.
  21. This place gives a lot of people a million wishes to achieve success.

Those are some examples of MD patterned phrases in sentencelanguageIndonesia. Articles related to other phrases are types of phrases,types of phrases based on the type of word, idiomatic phrases and examples, straightforward phrases and idiomatic phrases, noun phrase example frasa, examples of verb phrases in Indonesian, base phrases and derived phrases, types of phrases based on their meaning, example of ambiguous phrase, simple phrase example frasa, and examples of prepositional phrases in Indonesian. May be useful. Thank you.

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