In Indonesian, text discussion refers to a text that presents a difference of opinion, point of view or perspective on an issue or issue problems that allow readers to explore further differences in existing ideas or ideas before making decision. Generally, the author will explore and describe the various differences of opinion that exist and end with recommendations or conclusions. One of the themes that are often used as discussion text material is health problems.

The following will present an example of a discussion text about health regarding the effects of consuming chocolate on heart health.

Pros and Cons of Chocolate for Heart Health

Who doesn't love chocolate? Besides roses, chocolate is often an option when young people celebrate Valentine's Day. Chocolate is a favorite for most people. This is due to its sweet taste, attractive shape, and attractive packaging. Chocolate is also believed to be very good for heart health. Is it true that chocolate is good for heart health? The answer is yes and no.

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According to research results, chocolate contains cocoa which is healthy for the body, but the high number of calories contained in chocolate bars is not necessarily good for health. Cocoa comes from from Cocoa beans are roasted or roasted and contain flavonoids which have a beneficial effect for those at risk of heart disease and can improve blood circulation. Chocolate as a food preparation is made by adding milk, sugar, fat, and ingredientOther ingredients that can actually reduce the benefits or benefits of chocolate for health.

Substance-Flavonoid substances contained in cocoa such as catechin, epicatechin, and procyanidin is believed to help the cardiovascular system such as lowering cholesterol levels, reducing inflammation, and preventing high blood pressure. According to the analysis conducted by Dr. Ding and colleagues on 24 studies on the effects of flavonoids in cocoa on the risk of heart attack showed that The flavonoids in cocoa reduce blood pressure and bad cholesterol, namely LDL, increase good cholesterol, namely HDL, improve blood circulation, and reduce resistance. insulin.

So far, researchers have only confirmed the short-term benefits of cocoa for heart health and not a reduced risk of heart attack. With word On the other hand, the flavonoids contained in cocoa can lower blood pressure, fight high cholesterol, and other factors that cause diabetes can cause heart attacks, but whether chocolate can prevent heart attacks is still being studied by scientists researcher.

This is an example of a discussion text about internal health languageIndonesia. Other articles related to the text, including example of news text about school, sad news example, example of art and culture news text, example of economic news text, example of educational news text, example of news text in newspaper, football news text example, example of analytical exposition text and its structure, example of analytical exposition text about health, sample procedure text for making cake, example of procedure text how to do something, example of complex procedure text making juice, example of procedure text for making fried rice, example of simple procedure text for making food, example of simple procedure text for making drinks, and protocol procedure text example teks. May be useful. Thank you.