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Deductive Paragraphs in Bahasa Indonesia – Definition and Examples – After on the previous occasion we have discussed about description paragraph, argumentation paragraph, classification paragraph, and narrative paragraph, so now is the discussion of deductive paragraphs. What is a deductive paragraph and what is an example? We will review it in the following description. Have a good study.

Definition of Deductive Paragraph

Deductive paragraph is one type of paragraph based on the location of the main sentence (main idea). The deductive paragraph is paragraph whose main sentence is at the beginning of the paragraph. The next sentence after the main sentence is a detailed sentence. This detailed sentence can be an example, proof, description, or something else.

Characteristics of Deductive Paragraphs

Some of the characteristics that can be used to distinguish deductive paragraphs from other types of paragraphs are:

  1. The main sentence is at the beginning of the paragraph (usually in the first sentence)
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  3. Sentence patterns are arranged from general to specific (general-specific-specific-specific)
  4. The sentence after the main sentence contains a detailed explanation

Deductive Paragraph Example

To better understand the deductive paragraph, consider the following example:

  • Example 1

The soaring price of chili has made people distraught [1]. Chili is consumed by almost all Indonesian people[2]. People from the bottom to the top like to eat chili [3]. Either directly or as a mixture in food [4]. And when the price of chili rises, all the people start to open their voices[5]. The price of cayenne pepper can now reach Rp. 140,000/kg[6]. This price has increased 3 times from previous prices [7]. This price increase is thought to be a result of weather bad[8]. The supply from farmers is decreasing and causing the availability of chili in the market to also fall [9]. In Jakarta alone, the supply of chili that used to be 150-200 tons is now only 50 tons[10]. The scarcity of chili makes people and home industries that depend on the existence of chilies have to rack their brains [11]. Another alternative must be done immediately while waiting for government action to overcome chili prices so that they return to normal [12].

Sentence main: The soaring price of chili has made people distraught. (general)

Supporting sentences after the main sentence (sentence 2 – sentence 12) are special, in the form of reasons for the main sentence.

  • Example 2

Several factors can cause a pregnant woman to have difficulty giving birth normally. The first factor is the condition of the breech baby. The condition of the baby where the head is still above will be difficult to be born normally. Before delivery, the baby's head should be down. The second factor is the condition of the baby's placenta. When the baby's placenta covers the birth canal, normal delivery will be difficult. This situation is very worrying for the baby's safety. The third condition is the size of the mother's hips. If the size of the mother's hips is too small then the way out for the baby to be born is also small. For the safety of the mother and baby, pregnant women with small hips are advised to perform a cesarean section. Another factor is the state of hypertension or diabetes in pregnant women. Pregnant women who suffer from this disease require serious treatment. The normal delivery process will have an effect, especially on hypertension suffered by the mother. So it is highly recommended to do a caesarean section.

Main sentence: Several factors can cause a pregnant woman to have difficulty giving birth normally. (general)

Supporting sentences after the main sentence are special, in the form of details of the main sentence.

  • Example 3

Repel rats in the house can use natural ingredients. The first natural ingredient that can be used is mint leaves. Just mix mint juice with water and spray it on the mice's pleasure areas. The smell of mint leaves is a scent that rats hate. Or you can simply plant mint leaves in your home area. material The second natural method is to use baking soda. All you have to do is mix the baking soda into the food the mice like. Place the food in an area frequented by rats. But keep in mind to keep an eye on the reach of children. The next ingredient is durian fruit. Just use the durian skin to place it in the rat's favorite area. The pungent smell of durian is believed to repel mice from the house. Another fruit that can be used is the noni fruit. Cut the noni fruit into several pieces and place it in an area frequented by rats. The pungent aroma of the noni fruit is also believed to be able to repel mice from the house. Good luck.

Main sentence: Repel rats in the house can use natural ingredients. (general)

Supporting sentences after the main sentence are special, in the form of examples of the main sentence.

  • Example 4

Independence can be instilled from childhood. How to? You can get used to it from childhood to do things yourself. For example, starting from toddlers are taught to eat alone. Then make it a habit to be able to take a shower by yourself, take off your own clothes, and use your own clothes. We can also teach to choose which clothes to wear. In addition, make it a habit not to depend on the help of those around him. For example, when the child falls, be encouraged to get up on his own without having to wait for help. Thus the child will get used to being independent and not dependent on others.

Main sentence: Independence can be instilled from childhood.(general)

Supporting sentences after the main sentence are special, in the form of examples of the main sentence.

  • Example 5

Unemployment in 2017 is increasing. This is due to the higher quality of workers desired by the company. Higher education accompanied by qualified work experience is always prioritized. New graduates are sometimes less competitive with those who have previous experience. Those with low levels of education are also more competitive. Undergraduate job seekers are rampant everywhere. The number of job seekers and job opportunities is very unequal. Like it or not, job seekers have to seek higher education or look for other alternative jobs.

Main sentence: Unemployment in 2017 is increasing.(general)

Supporting sentences after the main sentence are special, in the form of reasons from the main sentence.

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This is the discussion of the deductive paragraph in language Indonesia – definition and examples. Hopefully this description of the deductive paragraph is easy to understand and useful for the readers. Look forward to discussing other materials. Thank you.

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