5 Types of Characters Based on Their Roles in Indonesian Stories

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In addition to plot and setting, characters or characterizations are also important elements in a story. Without characters, a story may never be made. Characters are divided into several types based on their role in a story. All of these characters will be discussed specifically in this article. The discussion in question is as follows!

A. Protagonist

The types of characters based on their roles, the first is the protagonist. This character is usually the character that the reader likes the most. Because, this character is always identified with the good qualities that exist in humans, such as: optimistic, generous, helpful, responsible, and so on. For example: Five Pandavas, Si Pitung, Semar, and so on.

B. Antagonist

The opposite of the protagonist, the antagonist is actually a character that readers really dislike. This is because this character is always identified as an evil figure and has a number of other negative characters, such as: cheating, cruel, manipulative, and so on. In addition, the antagonist himself is always depicted as a character who always interferes and hinders goals

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from the main character.

Together with the protagonist, the antagonist is arguably the most important character and becomes the center of attention in a story. So do not be surprised, if the readers will usually always be interested in the relationship between the two figures. As for some examples of antagonists, among others: Duryudhana, Ravana, and so forth.

C. Tritagonist

The types of characters based on their roles are the tritagonists. This character is a mediator who mediates the conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist. As a mediator, this character usually does not take sides at all with one of the two figures.

D. Deutragonist

This character is the character behind the protagonist. It can be said that the deutragonist is a character who takes sides as well as helps the protagonist to resolve his conflict with the antagonist. Despite acting as a supporter of the protagonist, this character often escapes the attention of readers. This is because this character is not really highlighted in the figure story, although it plays a very important role in helping the protagonist in solving his problems.

E. Foil

In contrast to the deutragonist, this character is actually a supporting character for the antagonist. Just like the deutragonist, this one character is also usually not paid much attention to the reader, even though his role is quite crucial for the antagonist.

From the discussion above, it can be concluded that the types of characters based on their roles in Indonesian stories consist of five characters. These characters are divided into two characters who are usually depicted as the good side (protagonist and deutragonist), two characters who are usually depicted as the bad side or the opposite of the good side (antagonist and foil), and one character is depicted as a neutral figure (tritagonist)

Thus the discussion of the types of characters based on their role in the language story Indonesia. Hopefully it will be useful and able to add new insights for all readers, both regarding characterizations in particular, as well as learning materials language Indonesia in general.

If the reader wants to add reference about the story, the reader can open the following articles, namely: storyline,types of storylines, stages in the story line,types of setting in the story, types of points of view in stories, intrinsic and extrinsic elements, as well as articles all kinds of fairy tales. Thank you and thank you.

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