Difference between prepositions and affixes in Indonesian

Sometimes, we often cannot distinguish whether a word is a preposition or an affix. This causes errors in its implementation. In the following, we will briefly review the differences between prepositions and affixes in terms of their meaning, function and writing procedures.

1. Preposition

According to General Spelling Guidelines LanguageIndonesia What is meant by a preposition or preposition is a word that is always in front of a noun, adjective, or verb. Prepositions show various meaning relationships between words before and after prepositions. The function of the preposition is to state the place, the direction of origin, the direction of the destination, the actor, the tool, the comparison, the result or problem, the effect, and the goal.

In writing, the preposition is written separately from the word that follows it. Here we are give examples of prepositions in, to and from in sentence :

  • You now live in where?
  • Tomorrow I will go to Jakarta.
  • From where is it coming love? From eyes down.
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However, there are some prepositions whose writings are combined because they are considered one of the word like to. Example:

  • Please give letter this tohis.
  • They gave the document to Mrs. Beautiful.

2. Affixes

An affix in Indonesian is a sound that is added at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a word, or the combination of the three affixes, to form a new word whose meaning is related to the first word. There are several types of affixes, namely prefixes, insertions, suffixes, and combinations. Affix function are to form nouns, form verbs, form adjectives, form nouns, and form adverbs.

In writing, affixes are written combined with the root word. Here are some examples of affixed words in sentences :

  • A man inmeetright died in the river.
  • g bodyemetar heard the name.
  • mother membuy vegetables at the market.
  • Buyright I'm medicine.
  • National spiritism need to be instilled early.

Thus a brief review of the difference between prepositions and affixes. Other articles that can be read related to prepositions and suffixes include types of prepositions, types of prepositions based on their form, types of prepositions based on their semantic role, examples of prepositions in, to, and from in sentences, all kinds of affixes or types of affixes, types of foreign affixes, example of prefix, example of insertion suffix, example of affix, give an example of a preposition that expresses a place, give an example of a preposition that expresses cause, give an example of a preposition that expresses direction, give an example of a preposition in a sentence, rules for writing prepositions and pronouns according to EYD. May be useful. Thank you.