12 Examples of Satire Proverbs and Their Meanings

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Proverbs have various types, where one of them is: all kinds of proverbs it is a satire proverb. As the name suggests, satire proverbs are proverbs whose contents are in the form of satire to others. Usually people who are satirized with this proverb are people who have bad behavior and it is not uncommon for people who are less physically able to use this proverb. To find out what this proverb looks like, here are some examples of satire proverbs and their meanings, some of which are quoted from article collection of proverbs and examples of proverbs and proverbs in Indonesian.

  1. Rippled water is not deep: people who talk a lot are not necessarily highly knowledgeable.
    • This proverb is usually intended to satirize people who have little knowledge but talk too much as if they know everything.
  2. The child in my lap is released, the monkey in the jungle is fed: always thinking about other people's business without caring about himself.
    • This proverb is usually used to insinuate people who care too much about other people's affairs, but their personal affairs are neglected and unresolved.
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  4. Dreams look up at the sky: aspire to something high.
    • This proverb contains satire to people who aspire too high without first measuring their own abilities.
  5. Imagination follows the body: troubled to think about nonsense.
    • This proverb contains a satire to people who think too much about things that are nonsense or things that will not necessarily happen in the future.
  6. Nod no, nod yes: another in the mouth, another in the heart.
    • According to its meaning, this proverb is intended for hypocrites whose words and hearts are always incompatible.
  7. Like an eel stretched: very thin.
    • This proverb is usually used to satirize people who are very thin.
  8. Sitting in cold ashes: getting nothing from masters, relatives, and so on.
    • This speech contains allusions to people who serve an irresponsible employer, or have relatives/relatives who do not care about their fate, so that they are not able to get their rightful rights get.
  9. Haven't given birth yet, have been rocked: not yet successful, already having fun.
    • According to its meaning, this proverb contains a satire for people who feel happy before the success comes and instead has fun first even though the success is not yet also come.
  10. Shake like a statue full: walk with pride.
    • This proverb contains allusions to people who step foot arrogantly, thereby causing the dislike of others to him.
  11. Fat throws away fat, clever throws away friends: doesn't want to help or associate with family when it's successful.
    • This proverb satirizes successful people who are arrogant and reluctant to help even mingle with their own families.
  12. Warm chicken dung: unsteady desires.
    • According to its meaning, this proverb is intended to satirize people whose desires change frequently and are not fixed, thus making others and themselves confused.
  13. Nose kissed, cheek bitten: false affection; just pretend.
    • This proverb contains satire for people (whether it's friends or partners) who only pretend to love other people.

These are some examples of satire proverbs and their meanings. If the reader wants to know some examples of other proverbs, then the reader can open the article thimble example, examples of proverbs and their meanings, examples of proverbs, idioms, and proverbs, as well as examples of figurative proverbs or parables. Hopefully useful and able to add insight for all readers, both about proverbs and languageIndonesia. That is all and thank you.

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