How to Change Active Sentences to Passive Sentences


There are two ways to change or make an active sentence into a passive sentence, namely as follows:

1. Changing the subject into an object

The first step is to change the location of the subject with the object. Notice the example below !

  • mother cook vegetable (active sentence).
  • Vegetable cooked by mother (passive sentences).

In the sentence above, the mother is the subject and the vegetable is the object, which is exchanged for its position or position in the sentence.

  • Toni and Adit type school assignment (active sentence).
  • School assignment typed Toni and Adit (passive sentences).

2.Changing the prefix in the predicate

The second way is to change the prefix / suffix that is in the predicate. Example:

  • brother plant flower (active sentence).
  • Flower planted (by) brother (passive sentence).

In the example sentence above, the predicate of the active sentence (plant) is changed to planted to get the passive sentence.

  • Father watch television (active sentence).
  • Television watch (by) Father (passive sentence).
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Hopefully this brief explanation of how to change active sentences into passive sentences above can be useful.