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Previously, we already knew what it was like example of interrogative sentence what and who, as well as examples of interrogative sentences where and when. This time, we will find some examples of interrogative sentences that use two other question words, namely How and Why.

Question Mark How is a question word that is commonly used to ask someone else about the process of something. Meanwhile, sentence ask Why is an interrogative sentence that is used to ask the cause of something to someone else.

The examples of interrogative sentences that use these two types of question words are as follows!

A. Examples of Questions How

  1. How to make the cake?
  2. How do you know him?
  3. How to do this crossword puzzle?
  4. How did you get involved in that case?
  5. How do you know all that?
  6. How do I book that train ticket through their official website?
  7. What if the one you know well turns out to be a criminal?
  8. How about I help you clean up all your work?
  9. How about we take a vacation to the island of Bali instead?
  10. How does a volcanic earthquake occur?
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  12. How do I apply for a job with that company?
  13. How do I fill out the form online?
  14. How was your life while wandering in the capital?
  15. How is your health after the surgery?
  16. What if I just do the work?
  17. How will the story continue?
  18. How is the situation in the city after the protracted conflict?
  19. How is it after being left by his brothers to die?
  20. How is his current health condition?
  21. How to differentiate poetry with prose?
  22. How to differentiate word conjunctions and verbs?
  23. How to tell the difference between old poetry and contemporary poetry?

B, Examples of Questions Why

  1. Why did you choose to study abroad?
  2. Why did you resign from the company?
  3. Why did you choose to study here?
  4. Why is your enthusiasm for learning decreasing over time?
  5. Why didn't you tell me about it?
  6. Why don't you just come straight to me, that you're having trouble?
  7. Why do you always blame me?
  8. Why should we bring up this problem?
  9. Why ceremony flag held every Monday morning?
  10. Why do we have to wear batik uniforms on Thursdays and Fridays?
  11. Why is Sunday used as a holiday?
  12. Why is Eid always synonymous with going home and diamonds?
  13. Why should we go to school?
  14. Why should we diligently eat fish?
  15. Why is there pain, if there is happiness?
  16. Why should we diligently ask?
  17. Why do you always complain about it?
  18. Why was the text of the Proclamation read on August 17, 1945?
  19. Why is the Indonesian flag red and white?
  20. Why do you always procrastinate?
  21. Why don't you always want to be helped by me?
  22. Why should we work according to our plans?

Here are some examples of how and why questions in language Indonesia. Hopefully useful and able to add new insights for all readers, whether it's about interrogative sentences in particular, or language Indonesia in general. Please forgive if there are errors contained in this article. Thank you and thank you.

If the reader wants to add reference about sentences, the reader can open the following articles, namely: sample sentences for statements and questions, Example of a question sentence and its answer, example sentence acronym kalimat, example of greeting sentence, as well as example of classification sentence.

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