Correct Use of Brackets and Squared Brackets according to EYD

Previously some of the rules in use of punctuation have been discussed, among others use of colon, use of single quotation marks and quotation marks, and use of question marks and exclamation points. The use of punctuation marks can be an indicator of a good and correct writing. This is because the use of punctuation marks will affect the meaning of the sentence. Misuse of punctuation marks can change the meaning from a sentence. Therefore, it is important to understand well how to use the correct punctuation according to EYD in a sentence.

Parentheses are one of the punctuation marks in language Indonesia. The brackets are written in pairs and inserted into the text. There are four kinds of brackets, namely arch brackets (brackets), square brackets, curly brackets, and angle brackets. Our discussion this time will focus on brackets and square brackets.

Use of Brackets (…)

Parentheses are generally used as the denominator of the arch brackets. The use of brackets according to EYD involves several functions. The function of writing parentheses is to enclose:

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1. Description or explanation

Parentheses can be used to enclose additional information. Writing for this function is done by prioritizing the complete form of the thing to be explained then the abbreviated form. Consider the following example:

  • The task of this paper discusses the application of the Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) Algorithm in everyday life. The BCO algorithm is based on an assessment of the behavior of bees and their colonies in finding food sources. Furthermore, the BCO algorithm is applied for modeling the waste transportation route.
  • Each family must have a family card (KK). KK is not only an administrative requirement from the government. Ownership of KK can be beneficial for every individual. This is because the KK is required to take care of the documents.letter other important.
  • PT Train FireIndonesia (KAI) prepared extra tickets during the Christmas and New Year holidays. This is done because PT KAI predicts there will be a surge in passengers during the holidays.
  • The identity card (KTP) must be made by the applicant himself. ID cards made by brokers will not be processed. In addition, KTP brokers and applicants who use brokers will be given sanctions.

2. Explanations or explanations that are not part of the subject

Additional information that is not the main part of the sentence can also be placed in brackets. Example:

  • Details of improving the learning mindset (see attachment 2) are used as guidelines for developing active learning methods that are integrated into science and technology.
  • Almost everyone who comes to Jogja takes the time to stop by Wijilan (the gudeg center area in Jogja).
  • The difference in the increase in sugar production (see graph 1) has made entrepreneurs begin to reconsider their spending funds.

3. Letters or words if their presence can be removed

If the presence of a letter or word can be omitted, then brackets can be used to write it down. For example in the following sentence:

  • During the holidays, migrants flock to Parangtritis (beach).
  • word feminine is absorbed into usage in Indonesian to become feminine (e).
  • (City) Yogyakarta is known as the city of students.

4. Numbers or letters that are details of a sequence of descriptions

In addition to the above functions, brackets are also used to specify information. Consider the following example:

  • There are four kinds of brackets, namely (1) curly brackets (brackets), (2) square brackets, (3) curly brackets, and (4) angle brackets.
  • Yesterday my mother bought various kinds ingredient foods, including (1) eggs, (2) tofu, (3) tempeh, (4) green vegetables, and (5) fruits.
  • Documents that must be brought when applying are (1) CV, (2) application letter, (3) latest diploma, (4) color photo, and (5) SKCK.

Use of Square Brackets […]

Square brackets are used to enclose words, letters, phrases or sentences. Similar to brackets, square brackets also have several functions. The use of square brackets is to enclose:

1. Letters, words, groups of words as additional information in sentences written by others.

These square brackets indicate the error markers contained in the original sentence. This punctuation mark is often used by editors to mark errors in the sentences they edit. Examples are as follows:

  • Even though it was raining, mother still left the house to pick up Risma. (original sentence)
    • Even though it was raining, mother still left the house to pick up Risma. (sentence revised)
  • My father gave Budi a gift of futsal shoes as a gift for his achievements at school. (original sentence)
    • My father gave a gift of futsal shoes [to] Budi as a gift for his achievements at school. (sentence revised)
  • Religious leaders asked residents to tolerate each other. (Original sentence)
    • Religious leaders ask residents [to] tolerate each other. (sentence revised)

2. Description in sentence explanations that have been stated in parentheses.

Consider the following example to understand the function of this second square bracket:

  • Transitive verbs are verbs that require an object or complement. (original sentence)
    • Transitive verbs are verbs that require an object or complement (An example is described in appendix 3 [see page 25]). (sentence revised)
  • The discussion of Darwin's theory has been explained in the previous edition of the book. (original sentence)
    • The discussion of Darwin's theory has been explained in the previous edition of the book (see the book “Darwin's Theory” [Chapter II]). (sentence revised)

Based on the discussion above, there are key differences between the EYD provisions for the use of brackets and square brackets. The differences are shown in the following table:

Brackets Elbow Brackets
used to flank explanations that are not the main part of the sentence used to enclose bracketed explanations
It is used to enclose numbers or letters which are a sequence of descriptions used as a marker of errors contained in the original manuscript/source

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Thus the correct use of brackets and square brackets according to EYD. Your understanding will get better by trying to create more examples. Hopefully this article can help you in learning the use of brackets and square brackets according to EYD. Thank you.