25 Examples of Simplex Sentences and Their Patterns in Indonesian

Sentence is a series word composed and form an idea or event. While simplex has a simple meaning. So, the simplex sentence is sentence which only consists of from one main verb. This is because simplex sentences only have one event, action, or action. Simplex sentences are usually in the pattern of S P or S P O or S P O K. To be clearer, consider the example of simplex sentences below.

Examples of Simplex Sentences:

  1. Shafira plays badminton. (S=Shafira, P=play, O=badminton)
  2. Arya fell from the rambutan tree. (S=Arya, P=fall, O=from a rambutan tree)
  3. The bear was pinned against the cage door. (S=the bear, P=pinned, K=in the cage door)
  4. The tiger pounced on its prey voraciously. (S = the tiger, P = pounce, O = prey, K = voraciously)
  5. The driver hit a tree because the brakes failed. (S= the driver, P= crashed, O= tree, K= because the brake failed)
  6. The archer shot his prey dead. (S= the archer, P= the archery, O= the dead, K= the prey)
  7. The painter sold his paintings to rich people. (S= the painter, P= sold, O= the painting, K= to the rich)
  8. instagram viewer
  9. The teacher teaches his students to read. (S= teacher, P= teach, O= student, K= read)
  10. The ant eats the scattered sugar. (S= the ants, P= eat, O= sugar, K= scattered)
  11. The artist sings the song Indonesia Raya. (S= that artist, P= sings, O= song, K= Indonesia Raya)
  12. The thief was shot in the leg by the police. (S= The thief, P= shot, O= the leg, K= by the police)
  13. The villain is stuck in a dead end. (S= The villain, P= stuck, K= at a dead end)
  14. Mamat swept the yard this morning. (S= Mamat, P= sweeping, O= yard, K= this morning)
  15. I read a book in the library. (S= I, P= reading, O= books, K= in the library)
  16. My sister is fishing in the river. (S= Brother, P= fishing, O= Fish, K= in the river)
  17. Dad drinks coffee at the coffee shop. (S = Father, P = drink, O = coffee, K = at a coffee shop)
  18. Mother sweeps the yard in the afternoon. (S = Mother, P = sweeping, O = yard, K = in the afternoon)
  19. Rina wrote poetry on folio paper. (S= Rina, P= writing, O= poetry, K= on folio paper)
  20. Pak Tani grows rice in the fields. (S= Pak Tani, P= planting, O= rice, K= in the fields)
  21. Wahyu and Icha draw mountains. (S= Wahyu and Icha, P= draw, O= mountain)
  22. This task is very much. (S= this assignment, P= very much, K= a lot)
  23. I have to complete this task. (S= I, P= must complete, O= this task)
  24. Arman is going on vacation to Malaysia. (S= Arman, P= vacation, K= to Malaysia)
  25. Danu sleeps in class. (S= Danu, P=sleeping, K= in class)
  26. Eki watched a horror movie at the cinema tonight. (S= Eki, P= watching, O= horror movie, K= at the cinema tonight)

Several articles related to other simplex sentences, including examples of complex sentences, example of simplex sentence pattern s-p-o-k, simple and complex sentences, example of a simple verb predicate sentence, Example of a simple sentence with a numeral predicate, example of simplex sentence pattern s-p-o and example of complex procedure text making juice. May be useful.