4 Ways to Write Introduction to Thesis in Indonesian

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The preface is a piece of writing that contains an introduction from an essay. One of the essays that contains an introduction is a thesis. In writing, the introduction to the thesis essay must be written in a number of ways. Some of these methods will be discussed specifically in this article, where the discussion is as follows!

1. Write First Expressions of Gratitude To God

How to write word The introduction to the first thesis is to write an expression of gratitude to God first. The expression was written as an expression of gratitude and gratitude to God for the completion of the thesis that we compiled. To find out what gratitude looks like, here's an example!

Praise and gratitude the researchers say to Allah SWT, because of His grace and blessing the researcher was able to complete the thesis entitled “Communication Strategy of PT. Citra Aksara in Marketing its New Products” well.

2. Write down the purpose of the thesis

The second way that must be done in writing the introduction to the thesis is to write down the purpose of the thesis. The function of writing the purpose of writing is done so that the reader knows what the purpose of the researcher/writer in making/compiling the thesis is. In writing, the purpose of writing a thesis can be written after giving thanks to God. In addition, the purpose of making can also be done under thanksgiving. For more details, can be seen in the example below!

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A. Example of writing the purpose of writing a thesis written after thanksgiving

Praise and gratitude the researchers say to Allah SWT, because of His grace and blessing the researcher was able to complete the thesis entitled “Communication Strategy of PT. Citra Aksara in Marketing its New Products” well. Apart from being a requirement for obtaining an undergraduate degree, this thesis was also made to provide insight to the public regarding the strategies implemented by PT. Citra Aksara in marketing its newest product, so that the product can be widely known by the public.

Note: the italicized text above is the purpose of writing the thesis.

B. Example of Writing The Purpose of Writing a Thesis Under Thanksgiving

Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, because of His grace and blessing the researcher was able to complete the thesis entitled "Strategy" Communication PT. Citra Aksara in Marketing its New Products” well.

Apart from being a requirement for obtaining an undergraduate degree, this thesis was also made to provide insight to the public regarding the strategies implemented by PT. Citra Aksara in marketing its newest product, so that the product can be widely known by the public.

3. Write Acknowledgments To Several Parties Who Helped The Completion Of Thesis

This third method is done by writing down the names, titles, and positions of the parties, starting from the highest to the lowest. As for the people whose names are listed, they must be people who really help the writer in writing the thesis, whether it's people in the campus environment, organization, as well as family. To find out what it looks like, readers can see the example below*!

This thesis was composed not because of the hard work of researchers alone. Assistance from other parties also contributed to the preparation of this thesis. For this reason, the researcher would like to thank all those who have helped in the preparation of this thesis, including:

  • Mr. Moelyono S.E., M.Si as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Harapan Bangsa University, Jakarta.
  • Mrs. Sulaksmi Wibisana S.E., M.M as the Head of the Management S1 Study Program.
  • Mr. Andu Moelyanto S.E., M.M as the supervisor.
  • Mr. Priyatna as Founder and Chief Executive Officer PT Panonpoe media and their staff.
  • Mr. and Mrs. lecturers and staff employees at the Faculty of Economics, Harapan Bangsa University, Jakarta.
  • Parents, relatives, friends, and other parties that the researcher cannot mention.

4. Write Closing

The last way to write a thesis introduction is to write a closing. Closing itself can be in the form of an apology for the shortcomings that exist in the thesis, as well as the hopes of the author/researcher for the thesis made. Writing date, city, and identity The author of the thesis must also be included in the closing, where the three components are placed at the bottom right of the introduction. For more details, can be seen in the following example**!

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from perfect. For this reason, critics and suggestions from readers are very much welcome. Hopefully this thesis is useful for all readers.

Jakarta, June 2, 2017


Those are some ways to write an introduction to a thesis in languageIndonesia. If the reader wants to add reference about the introduction and also other things about the essay, the reader can open the article example of an introduction to a paper, example of a short introduction, sample foreword proposal, examples of writing footnotes and bibliography, how to write footnotes from a translated book, as well as articles how to write a bibliography. Hopefully useful for all readers.

*Examples are taken from the article sample essay introduction.


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