25 Examples of Straightforward Phrases in Indonesian Sentences

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Phrases in Indonesian has many types of phrases. Among them straightforward phrases and idiomatic phrases, base phrases and derived phrases, Connective exocentric phrase example, examples of endocentric phrases, and others. From So many types of phrases, there are phrases that have a straightforward meaning or the real meaning, which we will discuss this time is a straightforward phrase. To better understand straightforward phrases, here are some examples:

  1. The book is located at tablegreen who is at the front of the class.
  2. It has a nuanced bedroom blue.
  3. There is scapegoat who is eating grass.
  4. There's a snake in our class.
  5. Atika brings black book in his bag.
  6. Malika goes inside White House that.
  7. Flower in my school is very beautiful and colorful.
  8. Right hand Andi sprained while playing ball earlier.
  9. Her body smell of kencur after cooking.
  10. Get used to always washing hands before eating.
  11. Dita Raise your hands when the teacher asked who wanted to come forward.
  12. We install White flag during celebrations.
  13. The knitwear is made with Red thread by grandma.
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  15. Backbone Grandma felt very sick after the walk.
  16. We are required to wear shirts white at the next exam.
  17. brother likea bite finger because his teeth are just growing.
  18. Today seems to be rain torrential.
  19. Kamal wants to go up black Horse on the horse farm.
  20. Debt too much and piled up so he had a hard time paying for it.
  21. “Anyone who doesn't do their homework, stands in front of the class while put your feet up." Teacher's orders.
  22. Mom prepares bath water for baby sister.
  23. Ari disappointed chicken this afternoon.
  24. Mother is often annoyed every time she washes clothes with white collar which is difficult to clean.
  25. hand length someone determines the size of the dress.
  26. Every time you go home, you have to go through dark road.

Those are some examples of straightforward phrases in languageIndonesia. You can study other articles related to the phrase, including examples of common phrases, noun phrase example frasa, examples of endocentric phrases, example of derivative phrase, basic phrase example frasa, examples of affixed attributive phrases, example of a dm patterned phrase. md and mdm, examples of common phrases, examples of equivalent and graded phrases and idiomatic phrases and examples.

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