21 Examples of Idiomatic Sentences and Their Meanings
Examples of Idiomatic Sentences and Their Meanings – Idiom or expression is a combination of several combinations basic word example which forms a example of word meaning the new one. Meanwhile, idiomatic is a types of words, phrases in Indonesian, clause in Indonesian, or types of sentences which has an idiomatic element. Thus, an idiomatic sentence is a sentence that has an idiomatic element or examples of expressions and their meanings which has a certain meaning. This article will present some examples of idiomatic sentences and their meanings.
The following are examples of idiomatic sentences and their meanings.
- Because of the scandal he did, he finally had to be willing to become topic in society. (topic: ingredient conversation)
- As a worker, don't half work. (work halfway: work with no maximum or responsibility)
- Unexpectedly, the person who embezzled Mr. Joko's money was right handhis own. (right hand: confidant)
- The problem occurred as a result of argument made by both parties. (fight: bickering; debate; argument; debate)
- Construction of a new language laboratory time-consuming which is pretty decent. (time consuming: takes a certain amount of time)
- Mr. Gunadi makes a living with eat pen. (eats a pen: works as a writer or author)
- That scavenger working hard to support his wife and children. (toil: work hard)
- As a worker, I don't want to get blind salary. (blind salary: receive salary but little work)
- Concert ticket buyers must bite the fingers, because the musician they wanted to see had canceled the concert. (bites finger: disappointed)
- I resign from company because I don't like my boss who likes eat bones. (eating bones: always telling other people)
- Vlog or Video Blog is now in the middle on the rise among young people.
- I only can silence a thousand languages look at her charming appearance. (silence a thousand languages: speechless-word even a word)
- The rise of piracy and download systems, making a number of original record stores must out of business.
- Turns out, all this time he was weasel in sheep's clothing. (weasel in sheep's clothing: opponent disguised or pretending to be a friend)
- In this overseas land, I live alone. (alone: alone)
- The corruptor was officially brought to free hotel. (prodeo hotel: prison)
- Unexpectedly, Adi is considered black Horse turned out to be able to become the champion of the inter-school badminton tournament. (dark horse: the underdog; underdog)
- Yesterday, Uncle brought souvenir which he bought from overseas country. (handiwork: by by, overseas: other countries outside their own country)
- My wife is two-bodied since five months ago. (two bodies: pregnant)
- I see with your eyes alone, Budi walked with a woman in the park. (see with your own eyes: see directly)
- Since earlier, I saw him still surly. (surly: frown)
Here's an example sentence idiomatic and its meaning. To find out more about idioms or expressions, readers can open the article example sentence, give an example of idiomatic meaning in a sentence, idiomatic meaning and examples, idiomatic phrases and examples, examples of idioms, proverbs, and proverbs, examples of full idioms in sentences, as well as examples of idioms and their explanations. Hopefully this article is useful and can add to the reader's insight in the field of languageIndonesia. That is all and thank you.