In languageIndonesia we have studied several meanings of words, including synonyms and examples in sentences, polysemy, homonym, homophone, homograph – meaning and examples in sentences. In this discussion, we will describe in more detail the meaning of word antonym.

Antonyms are words that have opposite or opposite meanings. Or in short we call the opposite word. To make it easier to understand opposites or antonyms, here are examples in sentences.

Examples of Opposite Words 

  1. Home >
  2. EarlyHe didn't want to come, but after being persuaded by his mother endhe participates too.
  3. In awaLast year, my brother promised to be disciplined in saving, so that he end year he can travel abroad.
  4. A lot >< A little.
    • The victims of the natural disaster are so Lots, not worth the help and volunteers who really a little.
    • The fruits sold in this shop are more Lots its kind compared to the shop opposite which only stayed yang a little.
  5. Cold >< Hot.
    • I really like drinks hot, opposite to dad who likes drinks menyukai cold.
    • A few weeks ago the air was very cold, but these few days weather so hot.
  6. instagram viewer
  7. Tight >< Tense.
    • The relationship between the two friends used to be like that close, but after there was a misunderstanding between the two, now their relationship became apart.
    • Tie one end of the bamboo with close and let one end again apart.
  8. Even >< Odd.
    • To help reduce congestion, the government put in place a system even odd in the capital.
    • Semester odd it's over, now it's entering the semester even and soon the end of semester exams.
  9. Upstream >< Downstream.
    • We have walked down the river from upstream up to downstream.
    • We also don't know upstream .downstreamher about the story.
  10. Remember >< Forget.
    • In his old age, the parents sometimesremember his name but sometimes he forget where is his house.
    • motherrememberBro, not to forget stop by the pharmacy after school.
  11. Clear >< Opaque.
    • Looks like mom's eyes can't see anymore clear, because several times my mother complained about her views blur.
    • Some of the writings in the old book don't look clear, some already blur because it's outdated.
  12. Dry >< Wet.
    • Dryit's your hair wet it with a towel.
    • While relaxing with family, mom prepares cake dry for dad and cake wet for me and my sister.
  13. Straight >< Turn.
    • After the red light, straight continue then meet the intersection turn to the left.
    • Line up straight don't be like a snaketurn around.
  14. Cheap >< Expensive.
    • The quality of an item can be seen fromexpensive cheap price.
    • The price of books in neighboring countries is very murah, while in our country the price of books is very high expensive, so it's only natural that our society is reluctant to read.
  15. Up >< Down.
    • After a while the price of gold down, now it's started ride again.
    • Since then it has only worked ups and downs stairs only.
  16. Medicine >< Poison.
    • There is a lot of info that says green coconut water is a drug to offer poison in the body.
    • Too often and consume too much drug, not make his body healthy, but become poison for his health.
  17. Diligent >< Lazy.
    • very nature lazy, different from his twin brother who always diligent help his parents in the fields.
    • If you lazy study then you will have no future, but if you diligent study, then you can conquer the world.
  18. Women >< Men.
    • At the school, the men's restroom is opposite the women's toilet.
    • Currently, men and women have equal rights and obligations in the world of work.

Those are some examples of opposite words in sentence Indonesian. For more details, some reference other articles are examples of antonyms, synonyms and hyponyms, antonyms and example sentences, example sentences of synonyms and antonyms, various meaning relationships in Indonesian. May be useful.