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Types of Contradictions and Examples – In line with its name, the figure of speech of opposition states a stylelanguage which is used to explain the opposite meaning of the statement in the sentence. The use of this opposite statement is intended to strengthen the meaning of what is conveyed. In addition, the figure of speech of opposition is also intended to strengthen its impression and influence on the listener or reader. There are various kinds of conflicting figures of speech, including:

  • hyperbole

Hyperbole is a figure of speech that expresses a situation with exaggeration beyond reasonable limits. Something that can be exaggerated can be in terms of quantity, size, nature, etc.

Example of hyperbole:

  1. I've been looking for you until around the world, but never met.
  2. I'll chase you though to the end of the world.
  3. I saw with my own eyes that terrible incident.
  4. I don't know what happened to him, but his body remains skin covered bone.
  5. The boisterous voice of the audience arrived split the sky.
  6. Mother's prayer will be able shaking the sky.
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  8. We have to defend our religion until last drop of blood.
  9. Father works tirelessly from morning till morning again.
  10. Om telolet om it worked shake the world.
  11. Today's sunshine burn my skin.
  12. Your house is magnificent like palace in heaven.
  13. work dad working hard to provide for the family.
  14. A woman's beauty is like heaven's Angel.
  15. Your seduction makes me soar high above the clouds.
  16. Mother cried until dry eyes because my father left.
  • Litotes

Litotes figure of speech is a style of language intended to express wordsword full of humility. This figure of speech is the opposite of hyperbole. By using this figure of speech, the existing facts are reduced in quality in the form of figurative words. This is meant to show the polite side of the speaker.

Example of litotes figure of speech:

  1. Please drop by hut us even for a moment.
  2. I'm very happy if you are willing to accept small gift this.
  3. Hopefully this help can be a beam of light for victims of natural disasters.
  4. I hope you are happy with a perfunctory meal this.
  5. Thank goodness everyone likes village food and drink.
  6. I wish you would take me home using shabby motorbike this.
  7. I am a runny boy who has big dreams.
  8. old body it doesn't seem worthy to come to the celebration.
  9. If you don't mind, use it shabby clothes this for a while.
  10. allow it servant to help with this work with all my might.
  11. Will you accept me who ugly this?
  12. I'm just common people who wish to participate express opinions.
  13. Never hesitate to ask for help fool like me.
  14. They live happily even if only grounded and roofed by the sky.
  15. My fake voice not comparable to the voice of the world's top singers.
  • Irony

Irony figure of speech is one of the figures of speech that is preferred to be used in conversation. This is because irony figure of speech serves to satirize someone. Speaker uses sentence contains ironic figure of speech to keep the other person's feelings at bay. In ironic figure of speech, the speaker will use the opposite of the fact and add phrases that are also contradictory.

Example of irony:

  1. Your voice is so sweet that your children cry when you sing.
  2. Your report cards are amazing, I don't find black in them.
  3. Your food is second to none, I'm tired of eating it.
  4. Your painting is very stunning, just like the painting of my sister who is still a toddler.
  5. Weather This afternoon is so cool, I'm sweating.
  6. This tea is so sweet, you must be out of sugar.
  7. You are very good at cooking, all this food tastes salt.
  8. Your writing is very neat like a doctor's writing.
  9. Mrs. Ratih's child is really smart, to the point that there are no more tests in all of her from number 10.
  10. Tikno is a very good employee love cleanliness, looks at his desk full of garbage.
  11. Your hands are so strong, you give up even a cup of coffee to lift it.
  12. Dodi is so handsome that no woman wants to see him.
  13. Romi is the favorite student of all teachers, all of his friends have graduated but he is still in 4th grade.
  14. Your room is so spacious, I don't even know which side to sit on.
  15. You eat a lot of portions, it's only right that your body is so skinny.
  • Paradox

Paradox means contradicting opinion. Paradox is a figure of speech that states two contradictory things but both are truths.

An example of a paradox:

  1. Andi feels lonely in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Jakarta.
  2. Behind the aggressiveness of his behavior, Rizki only needs attention.
  3. The hospitality he showed contained bad intentions.
  4. How can the price of these vegetables even go down when the price of fuel goes up.
  5. Behind the father's anger, there is great love and care.
  6. Rina always pays extra attention behind her indifferent attitude towards Toni.
  7. Living in poverty did not prevent him from continuing to thank God.
  8. Beauty and stability did not make him quickly find a mate.
  9. Pak Broto's life is full of wealth, but his heart is empty.
  10. Progress technology it causes a decline in social awareness of society.
  11. His face is fierce but his heart is very soft and his speech is very
  12. Cigarettes are still in demand by the majority of citizens even though they are bad for health.
  13. Class A children are very stubborn and unruly, but their test scores are always above average.
  14. Even though I haven't filled my stomach all day, tonight I don't feel the slightest bit hungry.
  15. His age may be old but his spirit exceeds the spirit of the youth.
  • Antithesis

The hallmark of this figure of speech is the existence of two opposite words. antithesis is a style of language that combines two opposite words in opposite conditions.

Examples of antithesis figure of speech:

  1. Far near The fare for the Trans Jogja bus is still Rp. 3,600.
  2. Slow fast the sacrificial animal hung from the sharpness of the machete used.
  3. The cosmetic products you use will affect rough and smooth
  4. good bad The character of a child depends on who takes care of him from childhood.
  5. High and low your report card value depends on your effort to study for one semester.
  6. Is it comfortable or not? You are in a new class depending on your process of adaptation to the environment.
  7. Short length We don't decide age.
  8. A lot at least The sustenance we get should not reduce our gratitude to God.
  9. good bad The path we take is our own choice.
  10. Bitter sweet The path of life will make many colors in the history of life.
  11. cheap expensive a product is not always related to the quality of the product.
  12. Heaven Hell often become the main focus of humans in worship.
  13. Our hard work will have an effect on success or failure we achieve our goals.
  14. Don't judge someone by high low job title.
  15. Is it smooth or not? Your facial skin has no effect on my affection.
  • Oxymoron

The oxymoron figure of speech is the opposite of the paradox figure. In oxymoron figure of speech, the opposite is said in the same phrase.

Examples of oxymoron figure of speech:

  1. The mother-daughter meeting was full of happy tears.
  2. I don't understand what I feel, I hate you but miss you.
  3. It's hard to be happy Mom and Dad always support each other.
  4. My life only by the power of the Creator.
  5. Always there the solution behind the problem that comes into our lives.
  6. What a vile man, rejoice over suffering
  7. For the sake of her parents, Rani smile at the pain what he really feels.
  8. state joy and sorrow they always face together.
  • Interminus Contradiction

This figure of speech can be recognized by looking at something that is stated to be contrary to what has been mentioned earlier. The use of this figure of speech is in the exception or denial sentence.

Example interminus contradiction:

  1. All items in this shop are 15% off, except baby and children's equipment perlengkapan.
  2. Residents village are expected to join the community service cleaning the sewers, except mothers and children.
  3. You can eat all kinds of food, except those made from shrimp.
  4. You can wear any kind of cloth. except silk.
  5. All types of chili experienced a sharp increase in price significant, except for the curly red chili.
  • anachronism

Anachronism is a style of language used to express something that is contrary to what happened in the actual event.

Example anachronism:

  1. The royal troops celebrated the victory of the war with rock music. (in the days of the kingdom there was no rock music)
  2. Patih Gajah Mada uses nuclear to frighten the enemies of the kingdom. (at that time there was no nuclear)
  3. Julius Caesar invites dangdut music orchestra to welcome his great guest. (at that time there was no dangdut orchestra)
  4. Meganthropus paleojavanicus uses telephone to communicate with the herd. (in ancient humans there was no telephone)
  5. Ken Arok captivated Ken Dedes by bringing in limousine car luxurious one. (limousine car is not available yet era history)

Other language articles

  • imperative sentence example
  • declarative and interrogative imperative sentences
  • passive voice features
  • use of dot
  • use of brackets and square brackets
  • kinds of affixes
  • type of affix

That's a discussion of the Types of Contradictory Figures and Examples. Hopefully the explanations and examples given in the discussion of kinds of conflicting figures of speech can be understood well. Thank you.

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