5 Examples of Analogy Paragraphs about Love in Indonesian

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Example of Analogy Paragraph about Love in Indonesian - Some examples of analogy paragraphs have been presented before. Example of a short analogy paragraph, example of analogy paragraph about socio-culture and example of analogy paragraph about life are some of them. This article will also present some examples from one of types of paragraphs based on the pattern of development this. The special themes found in the example paragraph The analogy this time is love. This theme itself is a very common theme to be used as the theme of various writings, whether in types of poetry, types of poetry, all kinds of short stories, types of novels, types of drama, as well as types of romance. Examples of love poems is one of the articles that makes love the theme in it.

To find out what a love-themed analogy paragraph looks like, here are some examples of them.

Example 1:

Eating too much food and drink can cause disease in the body, even though these foods and drinks are healthy and hygienic. The same is true when it comes to loving others. In loving others, we should not overdo it even though the loved one is a good person and deserves to be with us. If we love someone excessively, then we will often overreact to the person we love, and the person we love will actually become resentful and stay away from us.

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Example 2:

Loving someone in silence is like keeping coals in the husk. The hidden feelings of love can burn the heart which is the husk of the embers of love. Therefore, keeping love in silence will be very painful if it is not done sincerely and patiently.

Example 3:

The theme of love is like everyday food. Starting from literary works, music, to films, this one theme definitely contains. Even some people think that a film, music, or work literature won't be done if you don't include love-themed spices in it.

Example 4:

There are still many who think that the theme of love only covers romantic relationships between men and women. In fact, the scope of the theme of love is as wide as the ocean in this world. The theme of love itself can include love and compassion for fellow human beings, love for living things such as animals and plants, and of course love for God the Creator of the Universe.

Example 5:

A person who loves out of lust is like an animal that preys on its prey. If the animal manages to get its prey, then the game will be ignored and the animal then looks for other game. Likewise with someone who loves out of lust. If he manages to get a partner according to his desires, then the partner will be left after his lust is fulfilled. Furthermore, the person will look for another partner who is able to serve the lust that will never be satisfied.

Those are some examples of analogy paragraphs about love in languageIndonesia. Readers can add or expand analogy paragraph examples by using a variety of texts various kinds of figure of speech comparison, as example of metaphor nor example of personification figure of speech. The discussion this time is sufficient until here. Hopefully it is useful and able to add insight to all readers, both regarding analogy paragraphs in particular, and the field of Indonesian in general. That is all and thank you.

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