3 Meanings of Absorbed Affixes -Man, -Wan, -Wati in Indonesian

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An affix is ​​an affix that is affixed to a basic word that makes the basic word turn into a derivative word or affixed word. There are several kinds of affixes, where all kinds of affixes it consists of various prefixes, kinds of affixes, mvarious kinds of suffixes, and infix affixes.

All these affixes are not entirely derived from Indonesian. There are also several affixes taken from various foreign languages, one of which is Sanskrit. From language In this case, there are three affixes that are absorbed into the language Indonesia, that is -man, -wan, and -wati. According to Nababan (2008:35), the three absorption affixes from Sanskrit have a number of meanings, where the meanings of the three are:

1. Means 'Expert Person'

This meaning is formed by the suffix -man and -wan affixed to types of nouns. The nouns that must be used to form this meaning are word abstract objects related to the scientific world, such as history, culture, art, etc. Some examples include:

  • Artist (art + prefix -man): people who are experts in the field or in the world of art.
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  • Cultural practitioner (culture + prefix –wan): people who are experts in the field or in the world of culture.
  • Historian (history + prefix -wan): people who are experts in the field of history.

2. Means 'Person of Character'

As in the first meaning, this meaning can only be formed by affixes -man and -wan course. The meaning itself can be formed if the two affixes are affixed to types of adjectives which has the meaning of the nature possessed by humans, such as charitable, virtuous, scholar, and so forth. As for examples of the three words that have been affixed -man and -wan is:

  • Generous (donation + affix -wan): people who have the nature of charity / like to give.
  • Budiman (kind + affix -man): people who have good character.
  • Scholar (scholar + affix -wan): a person who has an intelligent / intelligent nature.

3. Means 'People Who Have Work'

Unlike the previous two meanings, this meaning can be formed by affixes -wan and -wati course. This meaning itself can be formed if the two affixes are affixed to an abstract noun which has the meaning of the name of a job or profession, such as business, news, work, and so forth. If the word in question is affixed with an affix -wan, then it can be ascertained that the meaning of the word is the man who has the job. Meanwhile, if the word is affixed with -wati, then the word will mean the woman who has the job. Example:

  • Entrepreneur (entrepreneur + affix -wan): a man who has a job in the business sector.
  • Journalist (news + affix -wan): a man who has a job in the field of news/news.
  • Journalist (news + affix -wati): women who have jobs in the news/news sector.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the affix -man, -wan, and -wati has three meanings, namely meaning people who are experts in a field, people who have certain characteristics, and people (male or female) who have jobs in certain fields. These three meanings can be formed when these affixes are affixed to a word types of words certain.

Thus the discussion about the meaning of absorption affixes -man, -wan, -wati in Indonesian. Hopefully it will be useful and also able to add insight to all readers, both regarding the meaning of an affix in particular, and about the Indonesian language in general. Thank you.

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