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Free essay is an essay that is not bound by a certain rule. Free essays can be of any theme, including life. This theme itself was used as a theme in two previous articles, namely examples of poetry about life and example of analogy paragraph about life. This article will show some free essay example which makes life the main theme. Some of these examples are as follows!

Example 1:

The wheel is always turning, sometimes it's up, sometimes it's down. The parable is similar to our lives as humans in this world. Sometimes our lives are on the cusp of success and sometimes we are on the brink of failure. This cycle is of course difficult to avoid. We can only accept and at the same time try to survive and try our best. Not to forget, we must also continue to pray and rely on Him, because only He is able to turn our lives upside down like a spinning wheel.

In asking Him, we often ask to continue to be on top. In fact, as mentioned earlier, that life is like a spinning wheel that is sometimes above and sometimes below. It would be better if we ask him to give us the strength to endure in all conditions of life and also to be given the strength to continue to be grateful to Him.

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In fact, life which is like a spinning wheel is a form of learning for humans not to be arrogant when they are at the top, and not to be humble when they are at the bottom. Therefore, we must accept and understand the cycle of life well so that we become more humble human beings and continue to strive diligently.

Example 2:

Harun Ar-Rashid once said that chasing the world is like chasing our shadows; If you are chased you don't get it, if you leave it you will follow us. From With this expression, we can interpret that we as human beings should not be too ambitious and enthusiastic in pursuit of the world. Because, the more we are chased, the more the world will move away from us and make us keep chasing it until we forget everything, including forgetting Him.

On the other hand, if we don't pursue the world too much, it will be the world that will approach us. Therefore, we as human beings should not chase the world too much, because the world will come to us naturally, and chasing after it is a waste of time.

Even though we shouldn't chase after the world too much, it doesn't mean we just sit back and keep praying to Him without ceasing. We have to keep working and doing our best. As long as we do all that on the basis of seeking His pleasure and not to achieve worldly things. Because, if He was already pleased with us, then He would surely give us the world.

These are some examples of free essays about inner life language Indonesia. To add reference about essays, readers can open the following articles, namely: how to write a book review, biographical examples of successful people, example of a short autobiography about yourself, and example of persuasive essay about education. Hopefully it will be useful and able to provide its own insight for all readers, whether it's about free essays in particular, or about language subjects Indonesia in general. Thank you so much, and apologize for all the mistakes in this article.

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