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Sentence is a language unit that stands alone and has a certain meaning in it. In writing, there are several patterns that can be used to write a letter sentence. One such pattern is K-S-P-O. This pattern itself is a development of the S-P-O-K pattern with a K element in front of it. As for sentence elements in Indonesian contained in this pattern include Description, Subject, Predicate, and Object.

In this article, we will look at some examples of sentences that use this pattern. The examples are as follows!

  1. At the market, mother buys vegetables. (K: at the market, S: mother, P: buy, O: vegetables)
  2. Yesterday, I found two 5000 bills. (K: yesterday, S: I, P: found, O: two 5000's notes)
  3. In the kitchen, mother is cooking snapper curry. (K: in the kitchen, S: mom, P: cooking, O: snapper curry)
  4. That night, the police had arrested a syndicate of drug dealers. (K: that night, S: police, P: arrested, O: drug dealer syndicate)
  5. From the perpetrator's room, the police found a number of pieces of evidence. (K: from the perpetrator's room, S: the police, P: found, O: some evidence)
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  7. From the seminar, I got a number of new knowledge. (K: from the seminar, S: I, P: got, O: some new knowledge)
  8. Because he was caught playing truant, Adi had to accept the punishment. (K: because he was caught playing truant, S: Adi too, P: had to accept, O: punishment)
  9. Since yesterday, I've been suspicious of his behavior. (K: since yesterday, S: I, P: already suspect, O: his behavior)
  10. Since yesterday, it has been raining in this city. (K: since yesterday, S: rain, P: wet, O: this city)
  11. From the balcony of my house, I saw the light of the full moon. (K: from the balcony of my house, S: me, P: see, O: the full moon)
  12. During the exam, Mr. Amir kept an eye on the students. (K: during the exam, S: Mr. Amir, P: keep monitoring, O: the students)
  13. When we were not at the dinner table, the cat stole the pindang fish. (K: when we're not at the dinner table, S: the cat, P: stealing, O: the pindang fish)
  14. In her room, she continued to weep for her lover's departure. (K: in his room, S: him, P: keep crying, O: his lover's departure)
  15. On the veranda of the house, father often reads newspaper. (K: on the veranda of the house, S: father, P: often reads, O: newspaper)
  16. When he met me, Uncle offered me a job. (K: when you meet me, S: uncle, P: offer, O: a job)
  17. While we were asleep, the thief took some jewelry. (K: while we were asleep, S: the thief, P: took, O: some jewelry)

Those are some examples of K-S-P-O pattern sentences in the Indonesian language Indonesia. If the reader wants to know some other examples of sentences, the reader can open the article S-P-O-K. basic pattern sentence example, example sentences with the basic pattern S-P-O-Pel-K, S-P-O pattern simplex sentence example, examples of complex sentences with S-P-O-K. pattern, example of descriptive sentence about nature, example of descriptive sentence about plants, as well as articles Example of a statement sentence in Indonesian. Hopefully useful and able to provide insight for all readers, whether it's about example sentences in particular, or about the material language Indonesia in general. Goodbye and thank you very much.

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