10 Elements of Poetry in Indonesian
Poetry is one of types of old poetry, other than types of poetry, example of old mantra poetry, examples of old poetry seloka, gurindam – definition, characteristics, types, and examples, talibun, and also karmine. Like poetry and works literature In general, poetry also has several elements contained in it. In the article various poems and their explanations, it is stated that the elements of poetry in language Indonesia consists of intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. These two elements will be discussed specifically in this article.
For more details, can be listened to in the discussion below!
A. Intrinsic element
This element is an element contained in the poem that affects the formation of a poem. Broadly speaking, the intrinsic elements of poetry consist of themes, feelings, tones, and messages. In order for the reader to better understand the four elements, here is a special explanation of the four elements!
1. Theme
It is the basic intrinsic element for the formation of a poem. Without a theme, the poet will be confused in making the poem, because he does not know the theme he wants to convey. In general, the themes contained in the poem revolve around religious teachings, moral teachings, life advice, or feelings
love.2. Feeling
Linguistically, poetry comes from the word shi'ru which means feeling. Thus, feeling becomes the other most important intrinsic element of poetry to be applied. The poet's feelings that he pours into the poem can be feelings of joy, sadness, or other feelings.
3. Tone or Sound
as well as types poetry In other words, the element of tone or sound must also be used when writing poetry. That's because the poem will be more rhythmic or feel melodious when read. Because poetry belongs to the old type of poetry, the tone or sound contained in it must be regulated based on the number of syllables, the number of lines in each stanza, and also the final rhyme pattern that must be used at each end the line.
The poem itself consists of 8 to 12 tribeword in each line. The number of lines contained in each stanza must be 4 lines. Even so, sometimes the number of lines in a stanza can be 2, 3, or even 5 lines. Meanwhile, the final rhyme pattern that must be used in each stanza is a-a-a-a. Even so, sometimes the rhyme pattern can end up taking the form of a-b-a-b.
4. mandate or Message
After the theme is determined, usually a poet will find out what message or mandate he must convey through the poem he writes. The message or mandate can be conveyed by the author explicitly or implicitly. The way of delivering the message can be chosen according to the wishes of the poet or based on the level of understanding of the community or the readers of the poem.
B. Extrinsic Element
This element is an element that is outside the poem that contributes to influencing the creation of a poem. Like the intrinsic element, the extrinsic element also consists of 4 aspects, in which the four aspects are:
- Background of the life of the poet or poet.
- The educational background of the poet or poet.
- Background culture or social that surrounds the poet.
- Customs, habits, or norms that apply in the daily life of the poet or that prevail in the wider community at that time.
This is an explanation of the elements of poetry in language Indonesia. If the reader wants to know the types and examples from poetry, readers can open articles types of poetry, examples of old poetry, examples of educational poems and their meanings, as well as example of 4 stanza advice and its meaning. Hope it useful for all Reader.