One of the uniqueness and beauty of the Indonesian language is having all kinds of figure of speech. Using figure of speech in a sentence makes the sentence sound more beautiful. One of the figures of speech that is often used is the climax figure of speech. Climax figure of speech is stylelanguage which shows the order from lowest to highest. While the climax sentence is sentence which has a climax figure of speech in it. Here are some examples of climax sentences you can study:

  1. All citizens start from young to old must uphold the values ​​of Pancasila in everyday life.
  2. Book story it's great to read to children 2 years to 5 years old to sharpen his thinking power.
  3. The game rides only allow people who are at a height from 100 cm and above.
  4. From elementary, middle, to high school, Bella and Juna always win the class every year.
  5. Mita has to take music lessons from Monday to Friday.
  6. The boy continues to stand in front of the shop from morning to night.
  7. From sunrise to sunset, Pak Toto's rooster was not found either.
  8. instagram viewer
  9. From birth to the first 1000 days Life is a golden period for the development of a child's brain.
  10. Mutia is a child who is always liked by everyone, start from children to mothers.
  11. Home number 6 to 55 in the complex will have a turn off the electricity starting tomorrow morning.
  12. Start with cake the most delicious to the least delicious even though it will always be eaten by Jarwo.
  13. From small to adult, his spoiled nature is getting worse.

Those are some examples of climax sentences in Indonesian Indonesia that you can learn. Other topics related to figure of speech are examples of climax and anticlimax figure of speech, example of metaphor, example of sarcasm, example of climax figure of speech, example of mesodiplosis figure of speech, example of epiphora, example of apofasis figure of speech, example of figurative speech policedenton, example of asidenton figure of speech, example of alusio figure of speech, example of eponymous figure of speech, example of figure of speech periphrase, example of dysphemism, symmetrical figure of speech, parable figure of speech, example of satire, example of innuendo figure of speech, example of inversion figure of speech, and allegorical figure of speech. May be useful. Thank you.