Example of a 4-person Friendship Drama Script in Indonesian
Drama script is a sheet of text that contains dialogue, stages in the storyline, and various intrinsic and extrinsic elements others that serve as guidelines for players to perform drama. There are many types of drama with various types of storylines, and one of them we will discuss in this article. Friendship drama is a drama that features storyline problems that occur in the sphere of friendship of some people. Here is an example of a 4 person friendship drama script that you can study:
Title: True friend
Theme: Friendship
Player: Nia, Lita, Desi, Andi
Synopsis of drama: After school, Nia, Lita, Desi, and Andi gathered at Andi's house to finish school assignments. They do group work in the living room while accompanied by some snacks and cold drinks. However, something is different from usually. Nia who is usually cheerful and talkative, today seemed more quiet and gloomy.
Dialog :
Andy: Hey Nia, why do you keep daydreaming, anyway? Usually the most chatty.
Lita: Yes. What is wrong with you? Been gloomy since last night. If there is a problem story please with us. We are friends forever.
Desi: True, true, true. Hehehe.
Nia: Uh, what the heck. There's nothing, you know. It's okay, you know.
Lita: Later if we have a problem, we also don't want to say, ah.
Desi: We are not considered. Huh.
Andy: Come on, Nia. If there is a problem we will definitely help. We've been friends for years.
Nia: Hmm, actually…
Lita: What exactly?
Nia: I haven't paid school fees for 3 months. Meanwhile, my parents are having a hard time because this year's harvest is bad. So I guess I can't take the exam later.
Andy: Wooo… So this kind of trouble you're hiding from us? Tskckck, we will definitely help you, Nia. Geez.
Desi: Nia, Nia. We thought what was the problem. If this is the case, we can certainly help. Yes, right Lita?
Lita: Yoyoy. We're true friends.
Desi: True, true, true. Hehehe.
Nia: Thank you, yes everyone. I was touched.
That's an example of a 4 person friendship drama script text languageIndonesia. Another example of drama is example of funny drama script text, example of a folk tale drama script, example of a short drama script about friendship, sample drama script for school children, example of a short drama script 4 people. May be useful. Thank you.