17 Examples of Equal Temporal Conjunctions in Indonesian Sentences

In Language Indonesia, we often use sering word connecting or conjunctions, especially in the use of compound sentences. Conjunction serves to connect between clause in Indonesian in the sentence. One of the conjunctions that is often used is the temporal conjunction. Temporal conjunctions are used to express the compatibility of the time relationship between two events. Temporal conjunctions are further divided into two, namely equal temporal conjunctions and unequal temporal conjunctions. Equivalent temporal conjunctions are conjunctions that are usually used in sentence Compounds are equivalent and should not be placed at the beginning and end of sentences. Some examples of equivalent temporal conjunctions include:

  1. mother cook pecel, then fry catfish.
  2. Andi finished his homework, then go play.
  3. Malik sweeps the classroom, next he cleans the blackboard.
  4. The teacher asked to open the printed Biology book, previous he missed us.
  5. The general resigned, then running for regional head.
  6. We have finished practicing dancing, then we rested for a while.
  7. instagram viewer
  8. Brother drinking milk then go back to sleep.
  9. You wear the gloves, then go to the mosque.
  10. bath sense, then wash her clothes.
  11. Bi Atik washes the dishes, then cook lunch.
  12. Nikmah pays installments at the bank, then back home.
  13. Mama bought bananas at the market, then make fried bananas.
  14. Arjuna wept loudly, then fall asleep alone.
  15. Nabila arranges clothes into suitcases, then leaving for Paris.
  16. Grandma chops onions, then sauteed until fragrant.
  17. We as a family will go to Berastagi, next soak in Sidebu-dust.
  18. The coach told them to run around the field, then push ups 50 times.

Those are some examples of using equivalent temporal conjunctions in sentences language Indonesia. May be useful. And to increase your knowledge about conjunctions, you can also read the article types of conjunctions based on their function, types of conjunctions between sentences, types of conjunctions between clauses, correlative conjunction, make an example of a conjunction that expresses time and give an example of a comparative conjunction.