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In languageIndonesia, of course the term meaning of the word is not foreign to us. As homophone, homograph, polysemy, examples of antonyms, synonyms and hyponyms, examples of hypernym and homonym sentences, connotation meaning and denotation meaning. one of the meanings of the word that we will discuss this time is an example of a homonym in sentence. Homonym is a term taken from the Greek language. Homonym words can be interpreted as a word that has different meanings, but has the same writing and pronunciation.

Look at the examples of homonyms in types of sentences the following :

  1. ray Sun the morning was so warm. (meaning sun = sun)
  2. Card Sun Ratna's has expired. (meaning sun = name of one of the cellular cards)
  3. "I'll name him SunJuanda said to his wife. (meaning sun = someone's name)
  4. Flower Image Sustainable started his career by playing soap operas. (meaning flower = someone's name)
  5. Andi and lala's wedding is decorated with various types flower. (meaning flower = name of one part of plant)
  6. instagram viewer
  7. I see flower in the bank it's too high. (meaning interest = reward)
  8. Mr. Asep took box charity under the pulpit. (meaning the word box = a place to store money)
  9. Band vocalist box before Tantri is Pare. (meaning the word box = name of a band from Indonesia)
  10. Deer including grazing animals. (meaning deer = animal name)
  11. Wahyu goes to Jakarta with Pak Tomi by car deer. (meaning deer = type of car)
  12. Key Salman's motorbike was lost in the canteen. (What is the meaning of the word key = tool for fastening doors, padlocks and others)
  13. Rhizome plant, meeting key, can be used for cooking spices. (keyword meaning = plant name)
  14. Eye I'm sick of the road dust. (meaning the word eye = one of the names of the five senses)
  15. Teacher eye Indonesian lessons give reading assignments poetry in front of the class. (the meaning of the word subject = subjects that must or will be taught at the elementary, junior high and high school education levels)
  16. In Village Today, many residents choose the confection business as their choice eye livelihood. (meaning eye = main job)
  17. Your voice is too low to the point drum my ears are about to burst. (meaning the word drum = the name of the membrane or thin membrane in the ear)
  18. "Voice Dangdut" drum, feel like swaying”, so Nita hummed when she was cooking. (meaning the word drum = the name of the musical instrument that is beaten)
  19. Dekai's dog, Boni, dichain for fear of attacking passersby. (meaning the word chain = tied, shackled using iron)
  20. Draw chain food found in the rice field ecosystem! – (meaning the word chain = term in biology)
  21. Udin also said, "You look like boss jacket now!” (meaning the word boss = person in power)
  22. Fund BOSS The fourth quarter will be distributed in early November. (meaning the word boss = stands for School Operational Assistance)
  23. Hera is sweeping leaves scattered on the page. (meaning of the word leaf = part from tree)
  24. Due to being hit hard, leaf the boxer's ear was torn. (meaning the word leaf = the outer ear)
  25. The ferry is waiting for Jaka in stairs, while Jaka was still in class. (meaning the word ladder = pedestal to go up and down)
  26. Eva is getting better at cooking after getting married stairs. (the meaning of the word ladder = the affairs of life in a house)
  27. The rifle belonging to the police officer was not loaded bullet. (meaning the word bullet = the contents of the rifle)
  28. Reject athletics athletes bullet it won the bronze trophy. (meaning the word bullet = name of the sport)
  29. If not, Galuh will go to Singapore date March 17th. (the meaning of the word date = calendar day)
  30. New sister teeth Gigi date two yesterday. (meaning date = dislodged)
  31. Fence wire Mr. Marna's house was damaged by a thief. (meaning the word wire = rope made of metal)
  32. “Mang Ujang who found the snake wire It's near the door," said Santi. (meaning the word wire = name of the type of snake)
  33. expression His face suddenly darkened when he saw the photo. (meaning expression = appearance)
  34. Fatur using a knife look to sharpen the pencil. (meaning expression = type of knife)
  35. Her heart is hard like stone, difficult to advise. the meaning of the word stone = parable)
  36. DR. Zakir Naik had time to attend Friday prayers in the city Stone, unfortunate. (meaning stone = place name)
  37. Dad asked to buy a cover head brown. (meaning the word head = part of the human body)
  38. Starting the new academic year, Mr. Suparman will serve as head State High School 1. (meaning head = leader)
  39. One of the characteristics of gout is the segment fingers feel pain. (meaning fingers = part of human arm)
  40. My skirt is torn because it's tucked in fingers bike. (meaning the word radius = bicycle tire part)
  41. He reject unfavorable friend's invitation. the meaning of the word refuse = do not want)
  42. This week there will be practice lessons reject bullet. (meaning word reject = name of the sport)

In the examples of homonyms above, there are differences in meaning from one word to another, even though they have the same writing and pronunciation.

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