Numerical phrase is one of fromtypes of phrases whose predicate element is a word that belongs to the numeralia category, namely words that semantically express a certain number or amount. In numeral phrases there are or can be given number aids such as tail, fruit, and others. Example: two fruit, three tails, five seeds, twenty five people. As for examples of numeral phrases in Indonesian we reviewed some time ago.

Meanwhile, what is meant by an appositive numeral phrase is a numeral phrase whose elements cannot be related to. word link like and or or and semantically one element is the same as another element. In other words, an appositive numeral phrase is a numeral phrase whose attribute is an apposition or additional adverb.

Here are some examples of appositive numeral phrases in languageIndonesia :

  1. The meow eats four tails fish.
  2. Mr. Haji sacrificed one tail cow.
  3. Village Sukamaju who is far away five kilometers from the city of Indah razed to the ground due to the earthquake.
  4. Mr. Head of Village bought five kilograms rice.
  5. instagram viewer
  6. The limited meeting was only attended by six people.
  7. Ten houses which was on the edge of the river was carried away by a very swift current of the river.
  8. The 2019 Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections were attended by two pairs of candidates.
  9. Mother buys two kilograms eggs on the market.
  10. We are recommended to sleep for eight hours per day.
  11. According to the police, they drank two bottles bootleg liquor last night.
  12. The series of collisions that occurred this morning involved five cars at once.
  13. The bucket only loads one liter water.
  14. Two persons The robbers who robbed students the other day were successfully paralyzed by the police when they tried to escape.
  15. Until today, it has happened eight times aftershocks.
  16. The 2018 Asian Games which were held in Jakarta and Palembang were attended by forty-five countries.

Thus a brief review of examples of appositive numeral phrases. Other readable articles related to phrases in Indonesian and examples of them are example of opposite equivalent phrase, appositive sentence example frasa, examples of directive exocentric phrases, DM patterned phrase example, example of MDM patterned phrase, MD patterned phrase example, example of ambiguous phrase, objective exocentric phrase example frasa, examples of non-directive exocentric phrases, examples of endocentric phrases, and Connective exocentric phrase example. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.