figure of speech or style language used in writing works literature in the form of a poem or phrase. Figurative language is a wealth of language that gives certain effects that make the language more beautiful unique in conveying good thoughts in the form of oral or written. Kinds of figurative language which have been discussed in previous articles, including comparative figure of speech, satire figure of speech, affirmation figure of speech, and opposition figure of speech. And one of the affirmative figures of speech is parallelism, which we will discuss thoroughly in this discussion. To make it clearer, we will review the figure of speech parallelism and its examples.

Understanding Parallelism

Parallelism is said to have come from language English is 'parallelizm' which means 'parallel'. Parallelism figure of speech according to the meaning of the word can be interpreted as a figure of speech that expresses something that shows the point of parallelism. Parallelism is also often used in expressing words in poetry. In poetry, parallelism figure of speech is used by using the same word in each line in a stanza.

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1. Use and examples of parallelism in sentences

The following is an example of parallelism in a sentence:

  1. A good friend will always be there for his friend in trouble and pleasure.
  2. With or without make up, Korean actress Song Jihyo is very beautiful.
  3. Always continue to worship God Almighty in health and illness.
  4. Rich and poor are not essential because the wheel of life keeps turning. People are sometimes at the top sometimes at the bottom.
  5. Days and nights keep changing without you by my side.
  6. The difference between black and white races is not a guarantee that one of these races is better than the other.
  7. Currently, men and women have almost equal positions in finding work.
  8. Indonesia's natural wealth is very abundant both on land and sea.
  9. We will never know about the failure or success we will get without trying and trying.
  10. The sweetness and the bitterness of life are common.
  11. Long and short hair on women has no effect on the beauty of her heart.
  12. No matter far or near, I will come to see you right now.
  13. Even if your class rank goes up or down, your enthusiasm for learning shouldn't decrease.
  14. The sun and the moon signify the changing of the day that continues to rotate without stopping.
  15. The rainy season and the dry season still can't change your attitude who likes to be late in keeping promises.
  16. In my eyes you are a clean white paper without the slightest smudge.
  17. Parents are no less competitive with young people in the August 17 competition in Village Sentosa.
  18. The people want prosperity, justice, and security which are their rights as good citizens and obey the rules that are applied.
  19. Producers and consumers have dependence on each other to meet each other's needs.
  20. Existing employees and new employees get the same bonus regardless of seniority in the company.
  21. This chocolate powder is delicious to eat cold and hot.
  22. Women have the same position as men in terms of critical thinking and making decisions in a situation.
  23. The government's obligation and the main obligation of citizens is to uphold the nation Indonesia and preserve the heritage of the nation's ancestors.
  24. Someone who has a good heart will be a mate for a good person too.
  25. Age is not a reference for death. Death can pick up the old and the young.
  26. You want to sit on my right or left, still, you're blocking my view.
  27. In this dry season, both indoors and outdoors, the heat of the air still stings the skin.
  28. The gifts we received as year-end bonuses, whether large or small, were of the same value.
  29. He deserves to be called the nerd, whether thick or thin books, he devoured everything.
  30. Sooner or later, he still has to complete his thesis assignment.
  31. Good and bad behavior of a child, parents still love him.
  32. No matter how big or small your income is, you should have savings.
  33. No matter how hard or easy it is, to face this national exam, we must be ready.

2. The use and examples of parallelism in poetry

Parallelism is also often used in poetry, for example in poetry:

  • The following poem is a stanza in the poem entitled 'Little Man'

You are white paper

You are an empty glass

You are the breath of life

You are a small human who is growing

I listen

I see

I smell

I feel

I said

And I imitate

  • The following poem is a stanza in the poem entitled 'Friends'

The world is a playground

The world is one point from universe

The world is a beautiful painting

The world is a prison

The world is a stage

don't give up friend

The world is a ball that is always spinning

don't be sad friend

The world is a temporary place to live

  • The following poem is a stanza in the poem entitled 'Father'

My dear father

My father who I love

My father whom I respect

How are you dad?

Are you in good health?

How is your back that always hurts?

How is the condition of your eyeballs can no longer see clearly?


  • The following poem is a stanza in the poem entitled 'Twilight'

This twilight took me into an unusual daydream

This twilight seemed to know the longing that was deep in my heart.

This twilight I want it to feel like I'm going fast

This twilight makes me free to wish for time with you.

This twilight may not understand my feelings

This twilight also doesn't know how far I've been hurt

  • The following poem is a stanza in the poem entitled 'Mother'

Mother you are my everything.

Mom you are a hero to me.

Mother I love you so much.

I'm sorry for all the mistakes I've ever done to you.

Without you mom I'm nothing

Without you mom I can't do anything

Without you my mother doesn't know the world

Without you mom my world will not be complete

Example examples sentence and the poem above reflects from the figure of speech parallelism which means aligning the position between people word which has a comparative meaning in the sentence. In poetry the use of this figure of speech is done by using the same word in each line in one stanza. So that the meaning of the parallel lies in the equation of the intended subject in each line.

Other language articles

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Hopefully the explanation of parallelism figure of speech and the examples above, can be easily understood.