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Types of Paragraphs Based on Their Contents – According to the Big Dictionary LanguageIndonesiaParagraph is defined as part of a chapter in an essay which usually contains a main idea and its writing usually begins with a new line. Another name for paragraph is paragraph. Meanwhile, according to Wiyanto, 2006:15, paragraph is defined as a group of sentence interconnected and together explain a unit of thought to express a much larger idea in an essay.

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Paragraphs have a number of types, both based on function, content, and pattern. This article will discuss the types of paragraphs based on their contents, where types of paragraphs these are as follows:

1. Persuasion Paragraph

This paragraph contains persuasion for readers to accept the ideas or ideas conveyed by the author. In order for the reader to accept the author's ideas, the reader must provide a number of data and evidence that are in accordance with the facts or reality. That way, readers can confirm the idea

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from author without refusal.

In addition, a persuasive paragraph also uses a number of elements to make the reader interested in reading this paragraph, namely:

  • There is an interesting use of language.
  • There are words-word invitations such as come on, come on, and so on.
  • There are particles that are found in certain words.

This paragraph also has several types, namely:

  1. Propaganda persuasion: this paragraph is used in media-mass media such as newspaper, internet articles, and so on. This persuasion paragraph contains information convincing and strong appeals, so that readers also believe and want to follow the appeal or persuasion.
  2. Educational persuasion: this paragraph contains message, invitations, appeals, and so on that are educative and delivered by parties working in the world of education.
  3. Advertising persuasion or advertising persuasion: This paragraph is used by commercial parties to market, promote, and even persuade readers to buy goods or services offered by the commercial party.
  4. Political persuasion: used for political purposes, such as campaigns, invitations to join a party, as well as other invitations of a political nature.

Examples of these persuasive paragraphs can be seen in the article examples of persuasive sentences and paragraphs.

This paragraph contains the author's opinion accompanied by evidence and reasons. The argumentative paragraph itself is intended to express ideas based on facts and strong reasons, so that the reader is sure and agrees with the idea. This paragraph has several characteristics, namely:

  • Contains the author's opinion or views regarding an event.
  • There are facts, data, and actual examples that support the author's opinion.
  • Opinions or views are expressed analytically or analogically (using parables).
  • Ends with the author's conclusion.

3. Exposition Paragraph

A paragraph that contains a description of an idea that has the aim of explaining something. The description is certainly supported by a number of facts so that readers can believe it. This type of paragraph has a number of characteristics, namely:

  • Contains instructions or tips in doing or achieving something.
  • The contents of the paragraphs contain facts, facts, or other things that can be proven true, so that the reader will gain insight.
  • Contains a description of an event.
  • Not to persuade or coerce the reader.

The content of this paragraph is a story about an event or events based on existing data and facts. The characteristics of this paragraph are as follows:

  • There is a character or actor.
  • There is a setting of place, time, or atmosphere.
  • There is a groove or road story.
  • Paragraphs are written chronologically or in chronological order.

is paragraph which contains a detailed description of an object, so that the reader seems to be able to see or feel the object. The descriptive paragraph has a number of characteristics, namely:

  • Contains a depiction of an object or objects.
  • Use a lot types of adjectives inside it.

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These are some examples of the types of paragraphs based on their content. May be useful.

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