Travel reports are usually written by someone after traveling to a place, for example tourist attractions. Example of a short trip report we reviewed some time ago. On this occasion, we will briefly review an example of a travel report.

Travel to Bogor Botanical Gardens

Every year, every grade level in our school always organizes field trips to tourist attractions as part of the from teaching and learning process. Last Monday, September 24 to be exact, I and my class VIII SMP Tunas Bangsa Bandung had the opportunity to travel to the Bogor Botanical Gardens. We left for Bogor from school at around 05.00 WIB and arrived at the Bogor Botanical Gardens at around 09.30 WIB using a tourism bus.

Arriving at the Bogor Botanical Gardens, we were very well received by the management and we were given a brief explanation of the history of the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Some of the explanations presented by our manager were recorded in the assignment book that had been previously distributed at school. After that, we were guided to surround and see the various collections of trees and plants owned by the Bogor Botanical Gardens. And that's when, we were shown one of the very famous collections of the Bogor Botanical Gardens, namely the carrion flower

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Amorphophalus titanium Becc which was first planted on December 19, 1992. According to the management, this corpse flower comes from Muara Amat, Jambi.

Then, we were also guided to several interesting places in the Bogor Botanical Gardens such as Lake Ginting, Reinwardt Memorial, Zoological Museum, Cemetery Old Holland, Lady Raffles Monument, Mexican Garden, Astrid Park and Foliage Cafe, Teijsman Park and Monument, Treub Laboratory, Sujana Kassan Park and Griya Orchid. We record everything in the assignment book as reference for us to compile a report after returning home. In the afternoon, we went back to Bandung and arrived at school at 21.00 WIB.

The tour to the Bogor Botanical Gardens only lasts one day. However, we are very happy because we can see the Bogor Botanical Gardens directly and increase our knowledge in the field of Biology.

Bandung, September 29, 2018

Ayu Wandira

Thus a brief review of examples of travel reports. Other articles that can be read related to report writing include types of scientific essays, sample report text on observations about nature, sample internship report background, sample essay introduction, example of preface to a practicum report, examples of footnotes and bibliography, how to write footnotes, example of how to respond to report content, how to write a bibliography. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.