In sentence, we often find word which uses affixes. There are a lot of types of affixes or all kinds of affixes in Indonesian. One of them that we will discuss this time, is the affix of ber-kan. Here are some examples of affixed sentences with ber-kan:

  1. Our house roof thatch.
  2. He bathe The green color is due to the spilled paint that you used.
  3. This conclusion is drawn based on facts on the ground.
  4. We walked through this jungle guide map and compass.
  5. The poor family sleeps on the floor only ground mat.
  6. Public Indonesia life with peace based on Pancasila values.
  7. That woman is sly, deceives many men masked innocent girl.
  8. The beggar sleeps under the bridge pillow pile of dry wood.
  9. That thick book reads the love story of two human beings who did not arrive.
  10. The man with the mustache married a beautiful and kind woman.
  11. That girl I adore dressed long white dress.
  12. I do my thesis work with help cousin's computer.
  13. Songket cloth that aunt bought at the market last night embroidered with gold thread on the edges.
  14. instagram viewer
  15. That poor child father an ex-convict.
  16. We must be ready to welcome death that comes at any time with practice as much reward.
  17. We are attacking the enemy troops on the front line armed spiky bamboo made by Mr. Kyai.
  18. Those big boxes collide another little box.
  19. The sky tonight looks brightsprinkled stars.
  20. sleep dream the arrival of a prince on a white horse after the mother read a fairy tale.

Those are some examples of sentences with the affix in language Indonesia. Other articles related to affixes are prefix functions and examples in sentences, the meaning of the affix meng- and its examples in sentences, the meaning of affixes and examples in sentences, examples of words ending in, example of suffix el, example of the suffix is ​​and its meaning, examples of suffixes and their meanings, example of affix em, examples of prefixes, insertions and suffixes and various suffixes. May be useful. Thank you.