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According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, an acronym is a combination of letters or tribes word which is written and pronounced as a natural word, for example missile which is an abbreviation for from guided missiles. There are several types of acronyms in languageIndonesia. One of them is a mixed acronym. Mixed acronyms are acronyms that consist of a combination of letters, tribe word, or both and written in lowercase. Acronyms must be written with how to write acronyms correct. Some examples of mixed acronyms include:

  1. North Sumatra will hold elections This year. (general elections)
  2. Every Monday usually will be held check by the leadership. ( unannounced inspections)
  3. Brother works in public relations in his office. (public relations)
  4. The government continues to aggressively improve defense equipment country. (main tool of weapon system)
  5. Father served as sekdes in our village. (secretary village)
  6. sister follow mass organizations who often hold charity events. (organization Public)
  7. Uncle Andi is running for deputy governor in our area. (deputy governor candidate)
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  9. The general was planning to run for presidential candidate This year. (presidential candidate)
  10. The groceries that are peddled in front of the lurah's office are social assistance from the government. (social assistance)
  11. Brother follow tutoring in order to enter a state university. (tutoring)
  12. Aunt works at prison Cape Gusta. (Correctional Institution)
  13. Mr. Kartini drove the car through the lane north coast. (North Beach)
  14. Dika signed up for political party number 7. (political parties)
  15. Arif served as head of the division at local government. (regional government)
  16. House prices in public company it's very cheap. (public housing)
  17. Our area will hold election next month. (regional election)

Those are some examples of mixed acronyms that you can study. You can also increase your knowledge of Indonesian by reading articles example of compound sentence with subject expansion, example of compound sentence, examples of multilevel compound sentences that express explanations, example of 5 stanza, single sentence, and examples of simplex sentences and their patterns.

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