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Conjunction or word we usually find connectors in sentences in Indonesian. Conjunctions are used to connect the main clause and the child sentence so that the sentences are related to each other. There are types of conjunctions or kinds of conjunctions, and one of them is an illuminating conjunction. Illuminating conjunctions are used to explain or explain an event in a sentence. To better understand the use of illuminating conjunctions, here are some examples of illuminating conjunctions:

  1. Nita has a very beautiful sister that is Malika.
  2. We can take precautions from high blood pressure or hypertension that is by doing style healthy life.
  3. It's very easy to make an ID card now that is by directly bringing the KK to the Civil Registry Population Service.
  4. It says that today rain probably going down so we had to get home before noon.
  5. Vita explains that The event will only start if all the invited guests have arrived while the other guests have been waiting for a while.
  6. Contraceptive devices that are very suitable for breastfeeding mothers
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    that is KB injection for 3 months because it will not affect the amount of breast milk.
  7. We don't know that the campus held a blood donation event in collaboration with PMI.
  8. Lita's laptop was borrowed by a friend that is Sista since yesterday afternoon.
  9. Doni's father is out of town on duty that is Palembang city.
  10. To get the ideal body weight is not difficult that is by exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.
  11. The use of birth control pills can increase the disease that many women fear, that is breast cancer.

Those are some examples of descriptive conjunction sentences in languageIndonesia. To get a deeper knowledge of the use of conjunctions, you can read the article examples of temporal conjunctions, types of temporal conjunctions, examples of concessional subordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunction, example of paragraph conjunction therefore, give an example of a causal conjunction, examples of coordinating conjunctions, correlative, subordinating between sentenceskali, examples of correlative conjunctions, examples of conjunctions between sentences and between paragraphs, and example of conjunction paragraph as for. May be useful. Thank you.

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