in a sentence, there are many various suffixes or the ending used in the word. One of them is the -i suffix which can have multiple meanings, place, give, or like. The following is an example of a sentence ending in -i in Indonesia:

  1. mother to roll the coffee Dad asked for.
  2. The robbery victim is not recognize who did the robbery?
  3. The chair that you sit down that's my chair.
  4. We come to the person who is alleged to have beaten my sister.
  5. Finally the man can married the woman of his dreams.
  6. Nita is very like the Korean band.
  7. We were told by the gym teacher to circling field 3 times.
  8. We laugh The fallen Ikhwan slipped on a banana peel.
  9. Grandmother kiss sister because I miss you so much.
  10. Their ball playing skills rival professional player skills.
  11. Those young girls go crazy player drama Korea which will arrive in Indonesia today.
  12. Doctor treat sister very kind and friendly.
  13. Grandma said that we are forbidden step over black cat if you don't want bad luck.
  14. Aunt blow the oil stove he would use for cooking today.
  15. instagram viewer
  16. We can't be with each other hurt one another.
  17. He always betray friends who help him in times of trouble.
  18. Do not harm friends if you don't want to be abused.
  19. We suspect Afifah as a fraud perpetrator with social gathering mode.
  20. Arjuna occupy first place in the inter-school pencak silat competition.
  21. We browse this forest with guide from tourist guide.
  22. sister being lectured by the teacher because of his misbehavior.
  23. Father assigned supervise the Pekanbaru area.

Those are some examples sentence suffix -i in language Indonesia. Several other articles related to affixes, such as suffix meaning and examples in sentences, examples of -ization suffixes and their meanings, example of suffix, example of insertion suffix, examples of affixes, examples of insertion suffixes el and em, examples of prefix, insertion, suffix and compound affixes, example of affix function, example of suffix per-i, example sentence affix ter- which means a condition, and examples of words ending in -ir in sentences. May be useful. Thank you.