Simplex sentences and complex sentences are not new studies in Indonesian. Even so, some of the public Indonesia don't really understand both. This time, we will discuss the meaning, characteristics, differences and examples of simple and complex sentences.

Based on the structure of the arrangement in a sentence, sentences are divided into two, namely simple sentences and complex sentences.

Simplex Sentences

A simplex sentence is a sentence that consists of 1 main verb or 1 predicate. Simplex sentences only have one action, action or event. This simplex sentence is usually in the pattern of S P or S P O or S P O K.

Features of Simplex Sentences

  1. Have a single structure
  2. Contains 1 main process
  3. Contains 1 action
  4. Has 1 event

Simplex sentences based on their pattern or structure are divided into:

  • Simplex sentences consisting of from noun - noun


  1. His father is a middle school teacher.
  2. Brother of the Host.
  3. Journalist uncle.
  4. Her mother is a flight attendant.
  5. His sister is a student.
  6. Her aunt is a writer.
  7. instagram viewer
  8. His grandfather was a former village head.
  9. Farmer's grandmother
  10. His great-grandfather was of Dutch descent.
  11. His brother-in-law is a member of the DPR.
  12. My cousin, the Mayor of Surabaya.
  13. I'm a freelance writer.
  14. Barack Obama former president of the United States.
  15. Donald Tramp president of the United States of America 2016.
  16. Anies Baswedan Candidate for Governor of Jakarta.
  • Simplex sentences consisting of nouns – verbs


  1. He is studying.
  2. Brother is sweating.
  3. Ardi is joking.
  4. Aan is joking.
  5. Hani and Halwa are playing.
  6. The president is on a blusukan.
  7. Ahok is being punished.
  8. Uncle is walking.
  9. Brother is walking.
  10. The sparrow is chirping.
  11. Ulya is camping.
  12. Ayunindya is talking.
  13. The grandson is crawling.
  14. His teeth are growing.
  15. His hand is holding.
  • Simplex sentences consisting of nouns - adjectives.


  1. Reni is very diligent.
  2. Lana is very disciplined.
  3. Phoebe is very cute.
  4. Dude is very agile.
  5. Rina is very lazy.
  6. Reni is so cute.
  7. Rosie is very fast.
  8. My bike is very slow.
  9. My mother is very patient.
  10. My father is very fierce.
  11. Her attitude is so flexible.
  12. Very polite speech.
  13. The presidential spokesman is very smart.
  14. The police leadership is very strict.
  15. His mood was very chaotic.
  • Simplex sentences consisting of word things - adverbs of numbers


  1. Six cows.
  2. The paper is eight reams.
  3. The eggs are five kilograms.
  4. There are three dozen books.
  5. His son is ten years old.
  6. I'm twenty three years old.
  7. I have two sisters.
  8. I have four cats.
  9. My ID card is one gross.
  10. Fifteen grams of flour.
  11. My ring is three grams.
  12. My rice field is one hectare.
  13. Learn more than three hours.
  14. I ran three laps.
  15. There are ten tracks in total.
  16. The apples are one hundred and ten trees.
  17. One seed please.
  18. Five liters of petrol.
  19. The weed was twenty grasses.
  20. The class seats are ten rows.
  21. Seven bottles of honey.
  22. The satay is twenty skewers
  23. The candles are two lines.
  24. He harvested twenty sacks of rice.
  25. Twelve bunches of kale vegetables.
  26. Fifteen cups of coffee.
  27. The invited guests were five hundred people.
  28. Fifty boxes of bread.
  29. Her stepmother is two people.
  30. The prize is ten shopping vouchers.
  • Simplex sentences consist of nouns – prepositions


  1. His uncle is in Bandung.
  2. His mother is in the office.
  3. Rajif in Grobogan.
  4. Brother in Manokwari, West Papua.
  5. Ardi in Ambarawa.
  6. Fathur at the Purwodadi Police Station.
  7. Najja at grandma's house.
  8. Lani's car at the Ahmad Yani intersection.
  9. Tattoos all over the body.
  10. Pray in the direction of the Qibla.
  11. Turn to the south.
  12. The bike is in the storage shed.
  13. His house is everywhere.
  14. The file is in the D folder.
  15. Other Plants vs Zombies games on HP.
  • Simplex sentences with S-P-O-K. pattern


  1. Mahmud MD as the Chairman of the Constitutional Court said, "Nowadays the Indonesian nation is in a state of threat.
  2. Edinson Cavani, Diego Forlan and Luiz Suarez were successful with their respective clubs in European countries.
  3. Valentino Rosi competed fiercely with Pedrosa in last week's moto GP match.
  4. Member of Commission F of the East Java DPRD from the Democratic Faction (PD) Musthofa, became a suspect in the fraud of fifteen people who wanted to be accepted by civil servants (PNS).
  5. civil.
  6. The cruel murder took place inside the official residence of the Semarang governor on Jalan Ahmad Yani, Manyaran, Wednesday (10/6) night.
  7. Hotels located in tourist locations such as peaks, beaches or mountainous areas are easy to find.
  8. The working meeting of the mayor of Semarang, Ganjar, and his staff became increasingly chaotic.
  9. Thursday afternoon became the most memorable memory during Wiji Wahyu Astanto's career.
  10. The Democratic Party has prepared several legal aid measures for former general treasurer (bendum) Muhammad Nazaruddin.
  11. Matters that should be reorganized in the banking sector include restrictions on the principle of recapitulation, foreign ownership, and provisions on the scale of banks that can buy shares in banks throughout Indonesia.
  12. Yuni Krisnawati (37) could hardly sleep peacefully, the Honorary Council of the Democratic Party (PD), Wednesday night announced the removal of M. Nazaruddin from his position general treasurer (bendum) of the Democratic Party (PD).

In the example above shows the form of simplex sentences. The examples contain only 1 main process or 1 event process.

Complex sentences

Complex sentences are sentences that have more than one sentence structure. This complex sentence has more than 1 main verb or 1 predicate. Complex sentences have at least two actions, events, or occurrences. The two structures in complex sentences are generally separated by a comma or conjunction or no conjunctions or commas at all.

This sentence has more than 1 main process. Complex sentences are formed from a combination of simple clauses/sentences. The merging is done by using external conjunctions. Where external conjunctions are words that can connect sentences with one another.

Characteristics of Complex Sentences

  1. Contains 2 or more processes
  2. Combination of several simplex clauses or simplex sentences
  3. Merging is done by using commas and external conjunctions

Based on the type of conjunction used, complex sentences are divided into two types, namely:

  • Paratactic compound complex sentences

Paratactic complex sentences are complex sentences using the equivalent conjunction. This paratatic complex sentence consists of two structures that have parallel or equivalent meanings. Commonly used paratatic complex conjunctions are "but", "and",“or”, “because”, and "if".

Paratactic / equivalent conjunction complex sentences have the following writing rules:

— clause / sentence—, (or, but)— clause / sentence —.

— clauses / sentences — and —-clauses / sentences—-.

—-clauses / sentences —-,—-, and —-.


  1. Nelson Mandela had strong ideals and tried to defend them.
  2. We must always fight, or we will die in vain.
  3. He has a high fighting power, but has not yet received the support of the people.
  4. Dutch troops opened fire on Kotabaru, the Post Office, and the vicinity of Tugu Station.
  5. Big or small doesn't matter, the important thing is that the goods arrive.
  6. Agus and Desi went to Semarang. Nini or Nina is their child's name?
  7. You just pay the house tax, or you just negotiate with your brother first.
  8. The war that has been going on for four months is raging in Libya and many refugees are the result of the clashes in Libya North Africa, became two things that was highlighted by the Catholic leader, namely Benekdius XVII in his Easter Sunday celebration. then.
  9. Andini plants jasmine flowers and she waters them every day.
  10. Wear the clothes you have but be polite.
  11. The natural environment will always be beautiful if we always take care of it.
  12. Only we young people can maintain and also maintain the independence of Indonesia.
  13. Budi and Doni didn't go to school, but they lay with dengue fever in the hospital.
  14. All the students panicked because an earthquake suddenly appeared.
  15. You can choose to wait or meet the chairman in person in 1 hour.

The first set of sentences is called the opening paragraph and the last one is called paragraph Closing.

  • Hypotactic compound complex sentences

Hypotactic complex sentences are complex sentences by using multilevel conjunctions. In other words, this hypotactic complex sentence uses an unequal conjunction of two or more sentences.

Hypotactic complex sentences are formed from:

1. Combination of 2 sub-clauses or 2 sentences or more by using multilevel conjunctions. For example whereas, but, before, if, when, so, after, although, that, however, even though, if, so.

2. Combination of 2 sub-clauses or 2 sentences or more without using multilevel conjunctions but connected by commas or semicolons.

Conjunction complex sentences using the following writing rules:

(conjunction) —- clause / child sentence —-, —- clause / main sentence —-.

—- parent clause —- (conjunction) —- child clause —-.


  1. Hypotactic compound complex sentences using conjunctions
  2. If you obey the advice of your parents then your life will be smooth.
  3. Water and take care of the plant so that it is fresh and does not wither.
  4. Who else wants to take care of this universe but all of us who live and ride in it.
  5. Do not throw garbage anywhere including in the river because it can cause flooding during the season rain.
  6. Many illegal loggers are irresponsible in cutting down trees because they only want profit.
  7. My father will go to Holland if he has enough money for the holidays.
  8. Despite the heavy rain and strong winds, they still did not take shelter.
  9. We arrived when people had gathered at the funeral home.
  10. We were very busy preparing decorations for the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17th, while he played all day
  11. If I had a lot of money, I would start a new business here.
  12. Even if father forbids me, I will still obey him too.
  13. Development will surely succeed perfectly if everyone is willing to work wholeheartedly.
  14. They already know that the price material Fuel Oil will increase in January.
  15. I still haven't paid off my debt so my credit application is suspended.
  16. The Egyptian government finally wanted to open the Rafah gate in the early hours of Saturday (30/5), after three years of their blockade.
  17. Efforts to block the former bendum (general treasurer) of the Democratic Party from going abroad by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), allegedly leaked before he left Indonesia.
  18. The rise transportation In fact, people who use motorbikes such as gojek do not make the motorcycle taxi profession extinct era.
  19. The day after tomorrow, the gate connecting Egypt and Gaza was officially opened after being closed for more than five years.
  20. Motorcycle taxis are also still one of the preferred modes of transportation for residents of the capital city. Because they are able to survive in competition with gojek and other motorized transportation.
  21. A speech-impaired woman, Desi (46), felt a burning sensation when she woke up after sleeping, Wednesday (7/6) night.
  22. Hosts Persipur Purwodadi intend to turn history around by beating Persijab Jepara in the Indonesian Super League at the Purwodadi Grobogan stadium.
  23. A woman of Filipino nationality, Cherry Calaud Ann Panaligan (26), a suspect in an illegal drug smuggling case Heroin weighing 2,143 kilograms, Wednesday (7/6), was present at the second trial at the Jakarta District Court, unaccompanied lawyer.
  24. Dangdut artist Dewi Persik admits that she feels fine even though she has become a public talk because she has operated on her nose.
  25. The request came up following the plan to issue a PP or Government Regulation on health benefits for members of the DPR.
  26. The ideals in the opening of the 1945 Constitution regarding the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia flow from the Citarum river because there is no single river that has functions and roles like the Citarum river.
  27. Lusi is polluted starting from the upper reaches of the Lusi River, even though the river is a source of water for 30 million
  28. Grobogan residents and electricity-powered suppliers are now polluted by inorganic waste.
  29. Funds Rp. 112 million owned by PT. Buka experienced a burglary of his internet banking account which was confirmed by the President Director of PT. Buka Suharyanta, Saturday (4/6) stated that the disbursement of funds worth millions of rupiah which was deposited at the central BCA Bank in Jakarta was carried out without the knowledge of the management of PT. Open.
  30. Government of Saudi Arabia Urges the United Nations to seek diplomacy in Libya.

In the example above, it is a complex sentence or complex clause. These examples have more than 1 main process. The examples of complex sentences above are formed from the combination of simplex sentences.

Difference Between Simplex Sentence and Complex Sentence

Simplex Sentences Sentence Complex
Simplex sentences have 1 main verb in 1 sentence Complex sentences have at least 2 main verbs in 1 sentence
Simplex sentences have 1 main element (S-P) Complex sentences have at least 2 main elements.
Simplex sentences have 1 clause Complex sentences have at least 2 clauses
Simplex sentence pattern is simple Complex sentence patterns are more diverse

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Simple and complex sentences participate in coloring the vocabulary of language concepts in Language Indonesia. Hopefully the discussion of simplex sentences and complex sentences and examples are useful for readers. Let's love and dive into our language, Indonesian.