40 Sentences of Suggestion and Sentences of Criticism in Indonesian
Sentences of Suggestion and Sentences of Criticism in Indonesian – There are many types of sentences in Language Indonesia. On the previous occasion, it has been discussed about core sentence, response sentence, kinds of news sentences, invitation sentence, prohibition sentence, etc. Now it's time for suggestions and criticisms. In Indonesian, sentences of suggestions and sentences of criticism can stand alone or occur in one sentence (combined).
In the Great Dictionary of Languages Indonesia, suggestion means an opinion put forward for consideration. So that a suggestion sentence can be interpreted as a sentence that contains an opinion (usually a solution) that is put forward to someone on a problem or object. Apart from suggestions, there are also critical sentences. Self-criticism in the Big Indonesian Dictionary means a response to a work, opinion, etc. A critical sentence is a sentence that contains comments on an object or problem.
Suggestions and criticisms can be submitted separately. However, both can also be conveyed in one sentence. Sentences of suggestions and criticisms are full of opinions in the form of solutions or judgments, whether good or bad. Although criticism is usually synonymous with negative opinions. This sentence is often said when there is a problem, or when doing something
discussion.To make it easier to understand the discussion material this time, the following are examples of suggestions and criticism sentences.
Example Sentences of Suggestion
- This image is meaningless because it looks very empty and disorganized.
- Your room is very dirty and messy.
- Your work is really far from the company's operational standards.
- Your essay deviates far from the theme and does not meet the requested conditions.
- The government's decision to stop meat imports may have a negative impact on the market.
- Rani's decision to berate Romi is really inappropriate and embarrassing.
- Your laundry is not clean and really disappointing.
- Your poetry is not interesting at all.
- Budi's actions are very unfriendly to customers
- This shop is very dirty and doesn't pay attention to product expiration
Example Sentences of Criticism
- This image should be more colored to make it look more meaningful.
- You better clean and tidy up your room immediately.
- You should pay more attention to and understand the company's operational standards at work.
- It would be even better if in making an essay you first determine the theme and conditions requested.
- The government should continue to import meat but in small quantities, this is intended to meet the needs of meat in the market.
- Rani should have a good talk to Romi and find a way out together.
- You should be more careful in washing clothes.
- Try to make more interesting poetry, you can read the examples first poetry famous.
- Budi should be friendly and polite to customers.
- This store should be kept clean and always update the expiration date of all the products it sells.
Example Sentences of Suggestion and Criticism
- Street in village This is a lot of holes, the kelurahan should immediately make repairs before someone gets hurt.
- Ani is a diligent child but likes to speak harshly, Ani should have kept her politeness in speaking more.
- Rina's voice is very melodious but she doesn't use singing technique properly, it would be better if she learns singing technique from a vocal teacher.
- Your garden does look beautiful because of the many green trees, but you should add flowering plants to make it look more colorful.
- Miko's behavior towards her friends was outrageous, Miko should apologize and promise not to act like that again next time.
- Your cake tastes really good but it looks very unattractive, you should have decorated it better.
- Your essay is written neatly but unfortunately it doesn't fit the theme, you should pay more attention to the instructions from your teacher.
- This shop is very dirty and does not pay attention to product expiration, the owner and employees should always maintain cleanliness and always update the expiration date of all the products they sell.
- Your habit of staying up late is really not good and unhealthy, you better try to set your rest time again so that your health is maintained.
- The man really has done what is appropriate for his family, a man who is the head of the household should always provide physical and spiritual support for his family.
- Your clothing style is so revealing, you should change style your clothes become more polite or you can use the hijab so that all your aurat is not exposed in front of many people.
- The government took a wrong step in making the decision to increase fuel prices, it would be even better if the government paid more attention to the consequences for the poor.
- Your appearance doesn't show your true ability and you look very nervous, you better practice more from now on.
- The wall color that Mr. Tejo chose is very old-fashioned, it would be better if he chose colors modern and more bright, for example green turquoise.
- The rhyme that you make doesn't rhyme, try to pay more attention to the rhyme in the rhyme so that your rhyme sounds even better.
- The results of your laundry are not clean and really disappointing, you should be more careful in washing clothes and cleaning all the existing stains.
- The assignments that you give to the students are too many, you should be able to give them time to play which is enough instead of troubling them with piled up tasks and depriving them of their right to earn played.
- Tiwi's words really hurt her mother, Tiwi should be more polite and gentle to her mother.
- The pattern of the clothes you choose makes you look fatter, maybe you should choose clothes with small floral motifs or stripes vertical instead of horizontal.
- Your decision is out from the house has hurt all your family, you better think about it carefully.
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A few articles about sentence criticism and suggestions in Indonesian. Hopefully the examples given in this article can be understood easily and are useful for you reference study. Thank you.