Definition clause in Indonesian is a combination word which has a subject and a predicate. As for the characteristics from clause is to have at least one predicate, not to have final intonation, if there is a final intonation then the clause changes to sentence, clause is part of a compound sentence.

Types of clauses based on their structure

Based on their structure, clauses are divided into two types, namely:

1. Free Clause

An independent clause is a clause that has complete elements so that it has the possibility to become the main sentence, namely a sentence that has a subject and a predicate. This type of clause can stand alone and does not use conjunctions. Example:

  • work dad
  • Brother sweeping
  • Nia sings
  • Budi learn
  • Brother When dancing
  • Arjuna playing
  • Grandma Kasimah sewing
  • Uncle rowing, President making a speech
  • Teacher teaches, Girl walks
  • Mr. Parto hoeing
  • The fishermen go to sea
  • The world is spinning
  • Car on the move
  • Airplane flying
  • Flying balloons

2. Bound Clause

Also called a clause. A bound clause has no possibility of being a sentence because it often has neither a subject nor a predicate. This clause can be indicated by the use of

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conjunction in the sentence. Example:

  • Daddy's home this afternoon
  • Mom goes to the market
  • The shop is between two houses
  • We are leaving to the hotel by car
  • Brother When persuading with candy so that Juna learns
  • We're already leaving since yesterday
  • Felix's brother is leaving to the office with the motorbike
  • There is a bird cage near the school yard
  • The ball is gone in the park
  • We run to the soccer field
  • Beautiful taking medicine get well soon
  • Didi is late because you wake up late
  • The lights are off when it rings
  • We went to the canteen during recess
  • Mom hasn't eaten since dad came home
  • Arjuna is crying when mom sleeps

That is a brief explanation of the various clauses based on their structure and Example Sentences. Other articles related to clause are types of verbal clauses, types of clauses based on their predicate elements, ktransitive verb usa, types of clauses based on negative words in the predicate and example of clause in Indonesian. In addition, you can also increase your knowledge of sentences in the following articles: example of accompanying adverb, example sentence acronym kalimat, and examples of inversion sentences and their patterns.