An adverb or adverb is a word whose function is to provide information for another word. There are many types of word the information contained in language Indonesia. One of them is the adverb tool. This tool adverb aims to provide additional information or an explanation of the tools used in an activity or activity activity.

Read: example of adverb sentence – types of adverbs – modality adverb – how to distinguish complement and adverb – examples of insertion words in sentences

Example sentence which contain adverbs of tools include:

  1. Dad goes to the office using car.
  2. Egi coloring using colored pencils.
  3. Mother cuts vegetables using knife.
  4. Researchers see stars in space using binoculars.
  5. All the tour participants went on tours using bus.
  6. All Athletes leave for Malaysia with airplane.
  7. Dad is chopping wood with saw.
  8. Because he is old, Grandpa always reads using spectacles.
  9. Fathers always ask how their children are through telephone.
  10. All requirements are sent via post.
  11. To anticipate flooding, residents make makeshift embankments using pile of sandbags.
  12. instagram viewer
  13. Residents holding demonstrations closed the main entrance using bamboo.
  14. In an emergency they communicate using Morse code.
  15. Every day Aldi goes to school using bike.
  16. Yesterday, my sister used my father's car to go to school.
  17. The government advises all citizens to use public transportation.
  18. To help the domestic economy, we should use product made by the nation's children.
  19. The damaged paper earlier was finally repaired with just a glue.
  20. For the convenience of Uncle to use cart to deliver the merchandise.
  21. Because the door was broken dad closed the bathroom with curtain.
  22. Because the electricity went out, Mom turned it on candle as an explanation.
  23. Brother uses blanket so you don't get cold last night
  24. Europeans used to eat using knife and fork.
  25. To get a delicious taste, the dish is made using ingredient- choice of materials.
  26. Father unscrew the bolt using screwdriver.
  27. The mechanic fixed a punctured tire using jack.
  28. Aunt mopping the floor of the house using new mop.
  29. So that dad can go to Jakarta faster with train fire.
  30. In order to avoid the heat, Ari always wears hat if you leave the house.
  31. The plan is that next month we will go to Lampung using ship.
  32. According to history, Neil Armstrong went to the moon using Apollo 11.
  33. From the history book I read, our ancestors used to fight the invaders using sharpened bamboo.
  34. Hilda always uses the computer to do a lot of things.
  35. To maintain safety and comfort, the committee recommends that all participants use shoes.
  36. This room has been closely monitoredctv.
  37. Fishermen at sea looking for fish using boat.
  38. Farmers plow their fields using buffalo.
  39. Dad dug the ground using hoe.
  40. Doctor Adi examines his patient using stethoscope.
  41. By using simple tools, Uncle can fix a broken car.
  42. The principal gives an announcement using loudspeaker so that all can hear clearly.
  43. Mother compresses sister's body using ice Cube so that the fever goes down quickly.
  44. The inventor said that his car used energy electricity which can be refilled.
  45. Mother boils potatoes using pan.
  46. Street lighting in my city using solar powered lamp.

Read: broad sentence – direct and indirect sentences – active voice and passive voice – the meaning of releasing sentences and balanced sentences along with examples

These are some examples of adverb sentences in English: Indonesia. May be useful.